

反倾销行为研究,摘 要反倾销行为已经对我国的国有产业带来了损害,那么为了保护好我国的国有产业尽量避免或少受到反倾销带来的损害,就应该有我们自己的应对反倾销的措施和策略。由于当前已经有大部分对于反倾销的研究都是从法律法规和客观方面的因素查找原因,而对企业自身的主观方面的提及比之较少,所以文章重点将从我国政府、企业和各种团体...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 eleven8558 发布


摘  要
关键词:倾销;反倾销;企业自身素质;预警 ;应诉;




The anti-dumping cases are bringing harms to our domestice industries. In order to protect our domestic industries from, or at least, reduce the harms from anti-dumping, we should establish our own solution and policy system of response to anti-dumping. Despite most of the researchers are putting emphases on the related legislative or objective factors, there are little concerns about the enterprises’ internal subjective attitudes or correspondings. Therefore, this article stands from the point of government, enterprise and social organization, explores the leakages and lacks in enterprises’ daily prevention, alarming, and self-defensive systems. Some suggestions and pointviews of lawsuit preparation are given while the enterprises are facing the inevitable charges. Summarily, we should actively inspire the government functions, the exporters’s own positivities, the chambers of commerce’s and the industry associations’ power of influence, to improve the quality of alarming and self-defensiveness, and to increase the activeness of the coordinations between the chambers or associations and enterprises. In general, before the lawsuit emerges, alarming should be kept and preparations should be made; when charges become inevitable, the reply documentations should be prepared actively and sufficiently. Thus, whenever the lawsuit comes, we would be in a consolidated position and struggling for our success.
Keyword:Dumps; Antidumping;enterprises’ quality;alarming,;response.

目 录
摘  要 I
前  言 1
一、反倾销概念及其国际形式 2
(一)对倾销与反倾销的认识 2
1.倾销与反倾销的历史特征 2
2. 反倾销的利弊 3
3. 反倾销法的产生和演进 3
(二)国际反倾销形势 4
1. 反倾销的滥用及趋势 4
2.反倾销的特征 5
二、中国商品遭遇反倾销的现状 6
(一)我国遭遇反倾销投诉的基本现状 6
(二)我国遭遇反倾销投诉的突出特点 6
1. 中国遭遇反倾销案件发展迅速成为反倾销重点地区 6
2. 我国重点行业遭遇反倾销突出 7
3. 被指控倾销产品范围广 7
4. 反倾销案件涉及金额大 8
5. 被指控的反倾销税率较高 8
6. 遭遇各国反倾销连锁反映 8
三、中国遭受反倾销的原因 10
(一)外部原因 10
1. 中国仍被定性为非市场经济国家 10
2. 国际新贸易保护主义盛行 10
3. 我国迅速崛起引起各国不同反映 11
(二)内部原因 11
1.价格竞争诱发反倾销 11
2.国内市场不规范 12
3.不应诉或应诉不力纵容反倾销 12
4.缺乏健全的预警机制 12
5.企业自身原因 13
6.会计准则的差异 13
四、我国如和应对反倾销 15
(一)宏观方面 15
1. 加强对法律法规的认识与应用 15
2. 积极参WTO的双边或多边谈判 15
(二)微观方面 15
1. 政府应当如何应对反倾销 15
2. 企业应对反倾销的对策 17
3. 重视行业协会在应对反倾销时的作用 19
结  论 21
致  谢 22
参考文献 23
附 录 一 24