

论金庸小说的现代意义(毕业论文),论金庸小说的现代意义专业:汉语言文学(此毕业论文共12765字)摘 要金庸在小说中虚构了一个极富传奇色彩的武侠世界,那里有惊世骇俗的武功,笑傲江湖的侠客;有缠绵悱恻的爱情,刻骨铭心的仇恨;还有醉心名利的沉沦。金庸小说中的武侠世界,是一个与我们现实生活相脱离的想象世界,但是这些想象中又充满了现实的投影,虚构的武、侠、情以...
分类: 论文>文学/哲学论文


此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布

摘 要

关键词:金庸小说 武 侠 现代意义

Jin Yong invents a very legendary martial arts world in his novels. There are supernatural gest and the knight-errant who wander about all corners of the country. It has a hopelessly romantic love and unforgettable hatred in the novels. In the stories, many people wallow in the fame and fortune. The martial arts world of Jin Yong's novels is a imaginary world, but the imagination is full of reality. The fictional martial art, knight-errant, sensibilities, fame and fortune are rich in the modern sense. We can read the philosophy of life from the elucidatory martial art, we can comprehend the arguments of learning from the process of learning martial art, we can know the knowledge of doing something from the knight-errant, we also can see the rule of love, the blessedness of relinquish and the devilishness of lust from the novels. In the immaterial level, these old stories and our present world are in common.

Keywords: Jin Yong's novels, martial art, knight-errant, the modern sense

目 录
前言 4
一、金庸小说中武的现代意义 4
1、对武的阐释 4
2、学武的过程 6
2.1、基础的重要性 6
2.2、兴趣的重要性 6
2.3、勤能补拙 7
2.4、灵活运用所学知识 7
二、金庸小说中侠的现代意义 8
1、侠的个人修养 8
1.1、乔峰的宽容 8
1.2、老顽童的童心和小龙女的纯真 9
2、侠的是非观念 9
2.1、不以民族定是非 9
2.2、不以门派定是非 10
3、路见不平,拔刀相助 10
4、为国为民,侠之大者 11
三、金庸小说中情的现代意义 12
1、爱情 12
1.1、青涩初恋 12
1.2、有情人终成眷属 13
1.21、《射雕英雄传》中的郭靖和黄蓉 13
1.22、《神雕侠侣》中的杨过和小龙女 13
1.23、《倚天屠龙记》中的张无忌和赵敏 14
1.3、悲剧爱情 14
2、仇恨 15
四、金庸小说中名利的现代意义 16
结论 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18