

分类: 论文>法学论文


此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布

摘 要

关键词 情势变更原则;不可抗力;显失公平;商业风险;免责条款

As an important principle during the performance of contract, the substantial change of circumstance system is provided in continental law system and common law system countries. The substantial change of circumstance system principle for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the contract, and maintain social justice and economic order circulation, balance, coordination between the interests of the parties, excluding the change in the manifest inequality of the situation is of great significance. However, it is still not defined clearly in the current law in China, because of the different ideas about it. Hence, it is necessary to make a study of it. In this paper, based on a discussion of the theoretical basis and applicable condition of the principle, the writer points out the principle for the changing in China and makes corresponding legislative suggestions.

Key words Contract Law ;Substantial Change of Circumstance ;Good Faith Principal for Performance of Contract
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
绪 论 1
一、情势变更原则的概述 1
(一)情势变更原则的概念及价值 1
(二)情势变更原则的法理学基础 3
二、情势变更原则的发展历史及现状 4
(一)国外情势变更原则的历史及现状 4
(二)我国情势变更原则的历史及现状 4
三、情势变更原则与相关法律规则的比较 6
(一)情势变更与不可抗力 6
(二)情势变更原则与商业风险 6
(三)情势变更与显失公平 7
(四)情势变更与免责条款 8
四、我国未来确立情势变更原则的必要性 9
(一)有利于公平原则的价值目标的实现 9
(二)有利于合同制度的不断完善 9
(三)确立情势变更原则是严格责任原则的重要补充 10
(四)确立情势变更原则是建立统一的国际市场的需要 11
五、情势变更原则适用的立法建议 12
(一)合同法中应明确规定情势变更原则的构成要件 12
(二)赋予法院或仲裁机关自由裁量权 14
结 论 15
参考文献 16
附录1 17
附录2 23
致 谢 32