毕业设计论文 led在汽车照明领域的应用与电路设计.doc
毕业设计论文 led在汽车照明领域的应用与电路设计,毕业设计论文 led在汽车照明领域的应用与电路设计摘 要汽车光源在照明的领域中占有极其重要的地位,汽车照明的产量占整个照明光源总产量的10%左右。led作为一种新型的固态光源,正在逐渐被应用在汽车的照明系统中。led是继白炽灯、荧光灯、高强度气体放电灯之后的第四代光源。led具有结构简单、无延迟、节能效果显著、重量轻、...
此文档由会员 bfxqt 发布
毕业设计论文 LED在汽车照明领域的应用与电路设计
摘 要
Automotive light sources have an extremely important position in the field of the lighting. LED is a new type of solid-state light sources. LED is gradually being used in the automotive lighting systems. LED has a lot of advantages such as simple structure,without delay energy-saving,light weight,safety,earthquake,pollution-free,maintenance-free and long life. LED has replaced the tungsten lamp and the halogen lamps. LED is becoming the fourth generation lighting of automotive lighting. Before the LEDQ lighting technology is general becomes mature the vehicle market is the most optimistic about the LED market. This article analyzes LED in the low light intensity and the high light intensity application from the feasibility that LED applies in the automobile lighting system. And analysis the question that LED applied in the automobile lighting system。And I design a LED driver circuit.
Key words: LED,automobile lighting,brake light,LED driver,Protel99
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 车用光源的发展 1
1.3 LED发光二极管的简介 2
1.4 LED照明技术的发展历程 3
1.5 LED车用光源的发展趋势分析 4
2 LED与其他车用光源性能特性分析比较 6
2.1 引言 6
2.2 LED车用光源的优势 6
2.3 LED车用光源存在的主要问题 7
2.4 小结 8
3 LED在汽车照明领域的应用 9
3.1 引言 9
3.2车灯分类与基本要求 9
3.3 LED在汽车低照度照明中的应用 10
3.4 LED在汽车高照度照明中的应用 10
3.5 小结 12
4 LED车用光源设计分析 13
4.1 引言 13
4.2 车用LED封装技术 13
4.3 车用LED灯光亮度要求 14
4.4 车用LED光学设计 14
4.5 车用LED散热问题 14
4.6小结 15
5 LED车用刹车灯的硬件设计 16
5.1 引言 16
5.2 LED刹车灯设计理念 16
5.3 基于LED刹车灯的总体框图设计 17
5.4 基于LED刹车灯的升压电路设计 18
5.5 基于LED刹车灯的驱动电路设计 21
5.6 Protel软件的应用 23
5.7 总体设计 24
6 全文总结 28
参考文献 30
致谢 31
摘 要
Automotive light sources have an extremely important position in the field of the lighting. LED is a new type of solid-state light sources. LED is gradually being used in the automotive lighting systems. LED has a lot of advantages such as simple structure,without delay energy-saving,light weight,safety,earthquake,pollution-free,maintenance-free and long life. LED has replaced the tungsten lamp and the halogen lamps. LED is becoming the fourth generation lighting of automotive lighting. Before the LEDQ lighting technology is general becomes mature the vehicle market is the most optimistic about the LED market. This article analyzes LED in the low light intensity and the high light intensity application from the feasibility that LED applies in the automobile lighting system. And analysis the question that LED applied in the automobile lighting system。And I design a LED driver circuit.
Key words: LED,automobile lighting,brake light,LED driver,Protel99
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 车用光源的发展 1
1.3 LED发光二极管的简介 2
1.4 LED照明技术的发展历程 3
1.5 LED车用光源的发展趋势分析 4
2 LED与其他车用光源性能特性分析比较 6
2.1 引言 6
2.2 LED车用光源的优势 6
2.3 LED车用光源存在的主要问题 7
2.4 小结 8
3 LED在汽车照明领域的应用 9
3.1 引言 9
3.2车灯分类与基本要求 9
3.3 LED在汽车低照度照明中的应用 10
3.4 LED在汽车高照度照明中的应用 10
3.5 小结 12
4 LED车用光源设计分析 13
4.1 引言 13
4.2 车用LED封装技术 13
4.3 车用LED灯光亮度要求 14
4.4 车用LED光学设计 14
4.5 车用LED散热问题 14
4.6小结 15
5 LED车用刹车灯的硬件设计 16
5.1 引言 16
5.2 LED刹车灯设计理念 16
5.3 基于LED刹车灯的总体框图设计 17
5.4 基于LED刹车灯的升压电路设计 18
5.5 基于LED刹车灯的驱动电路设计 21
5.6 Protel软件的应用 23
5.7 总体设计 24
6 全文总结 28
参考文献 30
致谢 31