纳米孔硅气凝胶的制备工艺对组织结构和物理性能的影响作用,摘 要 sio2气凝胶是一类轻质介孔材料,具有超低密度、高孔隙率、高比表面积和低热导率等特点,在许多领域具有潜在的应用前景。目前国内外多以正硅酸甲酯、正硅酸乙酯为硅源、以超临界干燥工艺制备sio2气凝胶,其制备工艺过程复杂,耗能费时,成本昂贵,原料有一定的毒性,超临界高温高压干燥存在较大的危险性。而sio2气凝胶常压干...

此文档由会员 毛楚楚2010 发布摘 要
Silica aerogels are a class of light mesoporous materials with low density, high porosity,high surface area and low thermal conductivity. Because of their unique properties, silica aerogels have great potential application future in many fields. Currently, with the technology of supercritical drying , silica aerogels was made of TMOS and TEOS in domesitc and abroad. Because the process of the made tehchnology was very complex, time-consuming,inefficient and costly, and the raw was toxic, and the technology of supercritical drying was dangerous, however, the technology of drying under the normal altmospheric pressure was still lack, the structure of the property of silica aerogels was not compared with that by using the technology of supercritical drying, meanwhile, unmodified silica aerogels was hydrophilic,which limited the current industrial application of silica aerogels materials.
The thesis studied the mesoporous material of silica aerogels with low denisty and high performance which source was low-cost water glass and that was made by the technology of drying under the normal altmospheric pressure. The expriment studied the influence of indicators, it contained gelling system pH, the addition of formamide, wet gel aging, surface hydrophobic treatment ,the process of mading aerogel structure by the technology of drying under the normal altmospheric pressure and aerogel structure’s natural denisty, tap density, aperture size and specific surface area. The results showed that when the system pH is 5, the performance of the obtained Aerogel was topgallant; When the addtion of formamide was 1.5ml, BJH pore size distribution was mostly in 10nm, and the specific surface area was 610.6m2/ g; With 30%vol.of TEOS/ethanol solution of the wet gel aging treatment, massive and high specific surface area of silica aerogels materials can be obtained; using Chlorotrimethylsilane and n-hexane on the wet surface modification hydrophobic treatment, When TMCS and n-hexane molar ratio was 0.35, the degree of hydrophobic of obtained aerogels was 43.95%. using n-hexane as solvent medium, drying process to 50 ℃ 84h, 60 ℃ 72h, the density of aerogels obtained 0.14g/cm3, porosity was 93.7%, specific surface area 610.643m2/g, pore diameter 9.72nm.
KEY WORDS: silica aerogel, water glass, preparation technology,performance
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 气凝胶绝热材料发展及研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 论文研究目的意义及研究内容 3
1.3.1 论文研究的目的和意义 3
1.3.2 论文研究的主要内容 4
第二章 实验部分 5
2.1 实验材料及实验设备 5
2.1.1 实验材料 5
2.1.2 实验设备 5
2.2 实验方案 6
2.2.1 SiO2气凝胶制备工艺 6
2.2.2 凝胶工艺参数影响试验 7
2.2.3 老化工艺试验 7
2.2.4表面修饰试验 7
2.2.5 化学干燥剂添加量试验 8
2.2.6 干燥工艺试验 8
2.2.7检测方法 8
第三章 结果分析与讨论 9
3.1 pH值对气凝胶密度、凝胶时间及微观结构的影响 9
3.2 老化工艺对气凝胶性能的影响 11
3.3 表面修饰对气凝胶性能的影响 12
3.4 DCCA添加量对气凝胶性能的影响 14
3.5 常压低温干燥工艺对气凝胶性能的影响 17
结论 19
参考文献 21