论不纯正不作为犯(毕业论文),论不纯正不作为犯(专业:法学专业。本毕业论文共15274字。论述全面。论点独特,推荐下载)目 录引言4一、公司人格否认制度5(一)公司人格否认制度的含义5(二)公司人格否认制度的历史沿革7(一)公司人格否认制度的法理基础91.法人的有限责任的积极价值92.法人有限责任的内在要求103.法益平衡要求的现实破坏与法人格否定...

此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布
目 录
引言 4
一、公司人格否认制度 5
(一)公司人格否认制度的含义 5
(二)公司人格否认制度的历史沿革 7
(一)公司人格否认制度的法理基础 9
1.法人的有限责任的积极价值 9
2.法人有限责任的内在要求 10
3.法益平衡要求的现实破坏与法人格否定 11
(二)公司人格否认制度的必要性 13
1.确立公司人格否认制度是保护债权人利益的需要 13
2.确立公司人格否认制度是贯彻法律上公平原则的需要 14
3.确立人格否认制度是制止股东滥用公司人格的需要 14
三、公司人格否认制度的比较法考察和差异的研究 15
(一)公司人格否认制度的比较法考察 15
1. 英美法系国家的公司人格否认制度 15
2.大陆法系国家的公司人格否认制度 17
(二) 两大法系公司人格否认制度适用的差异 19
结束语 20
参考文献 21
内容摘要: 随着商品经济的飞速发展,公司开始大规模的建立并发展起来,法人以其独立的人格及其所赋予的独立责任逐渐成为公司所普遍采取的组织形式,因而独立人格成为了公司乃至法人制度的核心,以此为基石构建了完整的公司理论,独立人格的建构反过来又促进了商品经济的发展,然而独立人格制度是一柄双刃剑,一方面它是奋发进取者的保护伞,另一方面它又是巧诈舞弊者的护身符,因为一旦股东滥用了公司的独立人格,足以掩饰公司背后股东的地位差别,致使债权人的利益和社会公共利益受到损害,同时也是对社会公平正义的违背,由此一种新的公司制度应运而生,即公司人格否认制度,又称“揭开公司面纱制度”。
关键词: 公司人格否认 法理基础 制度价值
Abstract: With the development of economic and society ,corporations were widely built and developed . Corporation with its independent personality and responsibility becoming a commonly adopted company form of organization, Thus independent character to become the company's legal system, as well as the core of this as a cornerstone to build a complete theory of the firm。the construction of independent personality , in turn, promoted the development of marked-oriented economy, however, independent personality system is a double-edged sword, on the one hand, It is the umbrella for those who forge ahead, on the other hand, it is also a clever fraud's talisman, because once shareholders abuse the company's independent personality ,It is enough to cover the differences of shareholders’ status, behind the company, resulting in the creditor's interests and social public interests to be damaged , it is also a breach of social fairness and justice, thus, a new company system came into being, namely, the legal system of denying company personality, also known as "piercing the veil of corporation system" in many states of the ocean legal system
The system first appeared in the United States and other countries of the common legal system accepted it since then, The newly revised "Company Law" of China also introduced the system, but because the system don’t have a relatively long history in our country, coupled with China's legal environment is relatively backward, so there are still many problems when the system is running in our country , This dissertation will introduce systematically the legal system of denying company personality in some important states of ocean legal system and continent legal system , on the basis of analysis in fundamental theoretic problems such as the meanings and characters of denying company personality , and point out the similarities and differences and their basic rules of the legal system of denying company personality in these states by comparison ,then bring forward the systematic thinking and measures on the lays
Key words:denying company personality legal basis value
目 录
引言 4
一、公司人格否认制度 5
(一)公司人格否认制度的含义 5
(二)公司人格否认制度的历史沿革 7
(一)公司人格否认制度的法理基础 9
1.法人的有限责任的积极价值 9
2.法人有限责任的内在要求 10
3.法益平衡要求的现实破坏与法人格否定 11
(二)公司人格否认制度的必要性 13
1.确立公司人格否认制度是保护债权人利益的需要 13
2.确立公司人格否认制度是贯彻法律上公平原则的需要 14
3.确立人格否认制度是制止股东滥用公司人格的需要 14
三、公司人格否认制度的比较法考察和差异的研究 15
(一)公司人格否认制度的比较法考察 15
1. 英美法系国家的公司人格否认制度 15
2.大陆法系国家的公司人格否认制度 17
(二) 两大法系公司人格否认制度适用的差异 19
结束语 20
参考文献 21
内容摘要: 随着商品经济的飞速发展,公司开始大规模的建立并发展起来,法人以其独立的人格及其所赋予的独立责任逐渐成为公司所普遍采取的组织形式,因而独立人格成为了公司乃至法人制度的核心,以此为基石构建了完整的公司理论,独立人格的建构反过来又促进了商品经济的发展,然而独立人格制度是一柄双刃剑,一方面它是奋发进取者的保护伞,另一方面它又是巧诈舞弊者的护身符,因为一旦股东滥用了公司的独立人格,足以掩饰公司背后股东的地位差别,致使债权人的利益和社会公共利益受到损害,同时也是对社会公平正义的违背,由此一种新的公司制度应运而生,即公司人格否认制度,又称“揭开公司面纱制度”。
关键词: 公司人格否认 法理基础 制度价值
Abstract: With the development of economic and society ,corporations were widely built and developed . Corporation with its independent personality and responsibility becoming a commonly adopted company form of organization, Thus independent character to become the company's legal system, as well as the core of this as a cornerstone to build a complete theory of the firm。the construction of independent personality , in turn, promoted the development of marked-oriented economy, however, independent personality system is a double-edged sword, on the one hand, It is the umbrella for those who forge ahead, on the other hand, it is also a clever fraud's talisman, because once shareholders abuse the company's independent personality ,It is enough to cover the differences of shareholders’ status, behind the company, resulting in the creditor's interests and social public interests to be damaged , it is also a breach of social fairness and justice, thus, a new company system came into being, namely, the legal system of denying company personality, also known as "piercing the veil of corporation system" in many states of the ocean legal system
The system first appeared in the United States and other countries of the common legal system accepted it since then, The newly revised "Company Law" of China also introduced the system, but because the system don’t have a relatively long history in our country, coupled with China's legal environment is relatively backward, so there are still many problems when the system is running in our country , This dissertation will introduce systematically the legal system of denying company personality in some important states of ocean legal system and continent legal system , on the basis of analysis in fundamental theoretic problems such as the meanings and characters of denying company personality , and point out the similarities and differences and their basic rules of the legal system of denying company personality in these states by comparison ,then bring forward the systematic thinking and measures on the lays
Key words:denying company personality legal basis value