

基于matlab的液压系统的设计与仿真,基于matlab的液压系统的设计与仿真摘 要  液压电梯是现代社会中一种重要的垂直运输工具,由于其具有机房设置灵活、对井道结构强度要求低、运行平稳、载重量大, 以及故障率低等优点, 在国内外中、低层建筑中的应用已相当普遍。液压电梯是集机、电、液一体化的产品,是由多个相互独立又相互协调配合的单元构成,对液压电梯的开发研究...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 andey 发布


摘   要

  液压电梯是现代社会中一种重要的垂直运输工具,由于其具有机房设置灵活、对井道结构强度要求低、运行平稳、载重量大, 以及故障率低等优点, 在国内外中、低层建筑中的应用已相当普遍。液压电梯是集机、电、液一体化的产品,是由多个相互独立又相互协调配合的单元构成,对液压电梯的开发研究涉及机械、液压及自动控制等多个领域。




  Hydraulic Elevator is an important vertical transport in a modern society .Because of it has the advantages of engine room setting flexible, requiring a lower level of the well’s structural strength, smooth operation, large load, and Low failure rate Etc, it is already applied very common in the low-rise buildings at home or abroad. Hydraulic Elevator is the products of integration mechanical, electrical, fluid, it is composed of number of independent each other and mutual cooperation modules, The research and development for hydraulic elevator related to mechanical, hydraulic and automatic control etc.
  In this paper, after detailed analysis of the hydraulic elevator's actual work situation, we assumed the elevator’s specific working conditions (Including the elevator’s maximum load, running speed and so on), and determining the elevator’s supporting style was straight for the double top, using Synchronization of three-tier hydraulic cylinder, And designed the hydraulic system of the elevator to meet the actual conditions. Then according to the working conditions of the elevator and the given parameters, we calculated the design of various hydraulic components. Finally, combination the actual situation and a number of specific products, the hydraulic components’ model and size were determined.
  On this basis,this paper established a mathematical model for elevator hydraulic system, In the modeling process we used the principle of system topology to establish the mathematical model, first according the overall-structure of the system we establish the hydraulic system topology diagram, so the system is divided into several independent subsystems, and then set up the mathematical model of each subsystem, Finally, composition the mathematical model for the entire system under the topology. According to the mathematical model of the system,we conducted a simulation analysis of the hydraulic system , and we got the system’s speed, pressure and displacement curves, this reflects system’s operation more intuitive.
  According to analysis of simulation results,the hydraulic cylinder's speed vibrated larger during operation. In this paper, PID control algorithm has been added to the system, used Integral separation PID control method for the hydraulic system’s simulation and analysis. The results showed that after adding PID control method ,system stability has been improved, and reflected the good performance.

Keywords: Hydraulic Elevator; Double straight-top; three-tier synchronous hydraulic cylinder; Dynamic Simulation; PID control



















目  录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1液压电梯的发展概况 1
1.1.1 国外液压电梯的发展简况 1
1.1.2 国内液压电梯的发展简况 2
1.2 液压电梯工作原理概述 2
1.3 液压电梯的技术特点 4
1.3.1 液压电梯的性能要求 4
1.3.2 液压电梯的优点 4
1.3.3 液压电梯的缺点 5
1.4 本论文的选题意义及研究内容 5
1.4.1 本论文的选题意义 5
1.4.2 本论文的研究内容 6
第2章 液压电梯的液压系统设计 8
2.1设计背景及工况分析 8
2.2 液压系统设计 9
2.3 液压缸的设计 10
2.3.1 同步伸缩液压缸的工作原理 10
2.3.2 同步伸缩缸的参数计算 11
2.3.3 缸盖和活塞头设计 15
2.3.4 柱塞缸和各级活塞缸的长度计算 18
2.3.5 液压缸的密封 20
2.4 泵和电机的选择 21
2.4.1 泵排量的计算 21
2.4.2 电机的选择 21
2.5 液压管路的设计 22
2.5.1 管路内径的选择 22
2.5.2 管道壁厚计算 23
2.6 油箱设计 23
2.7 过滤器的设计 24
2.8 阀的选择 24
2.8.1 单向阀的选择 24
2.8.2 电磁溢流阀 24
2.8.3 节流阀 24
2.9 本章小结 25
第3章 电梯液压系统模型的建立 26
3.1电梯上行的数学模型 28
3.1.1 泵的数学模型 28
3.1.2 单向阀的数学模型 29
3.1.3 比例流量阀的数学模型 29
3.1.4 液压桥的数学模型 31
3.1.5 液控单向阀的模型 32
3.1.6 液压缸的数学模型 32
3.1.7 系统上行的模型 35
3.2 电梯下行的数学模型 36
3.3 本章小结 38
第4章 电梯液压系统的动态仿真 39
4.1 simulink简介 39
4.2电梯上行时液压系统的仿真分析 40
4.2.1 供油子系统的仿真模型 41
4.2.2 液压桥和液控单向阀组成调整子系统的仿真模型 41
4.2.3 三级同步液压缸构成运行系统的仿真模型 42
4.3 电梯上行液压系统的仿真 46
4.3.1 电梯上行液压缸的速度曲线 47
4.3.2 电梯上行液压缸的位移仿真曲线 49
4.3.3 电梯上行液压缸各级缸筒压力仿真曲线 49
4.4 本章小结 50
第5章 电梯液压系统的PID控制 51
5.1 PID控制原理 52
5.2 位置PID控制算法 53
5.3 数字PID控制算法的该进 54
5.4 液压电梯液压系统的PID控制器的设计与仿真 56
5.4.1 PID控制器设计 56
5.4.2 采样周期的确定 57
5.4.3 PID控制器参数整定 58
5.4.4 电梯液压系统PID控制器仿真 58
5.5 本章小结 64
结论与展望 65
致  谢 67
参考文献 68