

1553b总线在测试系统中的接口设计和实现,摘 要:本文介绍了1553b数据总线的传输协议和工作方式,采用rs232串口作为通信握手方式,以自动测试系统作为总线控制器,被测目标板作为远程终端,通过软件寻址方式实现了对被测目标板的1553b双总线的自动测试,并给出了相应的硬件和软件的实现方法。关键词:自动测试; 通信; 串口; 1553b; rs232;the a...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 bshhty 发布

摘 要:

关 键 词:自动测试; 通信; 串口; 1553B; RS232;
The Application of 1553B Bus In the Interface of Testing System

Abstract:This paper introduces the 1553B bus Protocol and working mode. RS232 serial interface is used as the handshake method in the communication of 1553B. The auto-test system is Bus Control while the object board is the remote terminal. The test of the two 1553B buses of the object board is completed through software addressing and the hardware and software method is given.

Keywords:Auto-test; communication; serial interface; 1553B; RS232;

5 参考文献
[1] MIL-STD-1553 ABI/ASF manual,SBS公司,2003年