

在线考试系统的研究与实现毕业论文,目 录中文摘要iabstractii第一章 绪论11.1问题的提出和研究意义11.2国内的现状11.3本文的工作2第二章 需求分析及设计52.1需求分析52.2系统设计52.2.1系统功能分析52.2.2系统功能模块设计62.3数据库设计62.3.1数据库需求分析62.3.2数据概念结构设计82.3.3数据库逻辑结构设...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 天天明白 发布

目  录
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章  绪论 1
1.1问题的提出和研究意义 1
1.2国内的现状 1
1.3本文的工作 2
第二章 需求分析及设计 5
2.1需求分析 5
2.2系统设计 5
2.2.1系统功能分析 5
2.2.2系统功能模块设计 6
2.3数据库设计 6
2.3.1数据库需求分析 6
2.3.2数据概念结构设计 8
2.3.3数据库逻辑结构设计 9
2.3.4本章小结 10
第三章 系统安装及设置 11
3.1 JDK的安装和设置 11
3.2 TOMCAT的安装和设置 11
3.3 MYSQL数据库的安装 12
第四章 模块功能的实现 15
4.1考生登录模块 15
4.2考生时间控制模块 18
4.3智能组卷模块 18
4.3.1组卷算法介绍 18
4.3.2遗传算法在组卷中的应用 19
4.3.3遗传算法组卷的实现 20
4.4自动判卷及评分 22
4.5本章小结 24
第五章  总结与展望 25
5.1工作总结 25
5.2系统中存在的问题和不足 25
5.3今后的改进 25
参考文献 27
致  谢 29
个人简况及联系方式 30
承 诺 书 31
学位论文使用授权声明 32










Chinese Abstract I
Abstract II
Chapter 1 Preface 1
1.1Question and research significance 1
1.2 Domestic situation 1
1.3 Thesis’s work 2
Chapter 2 Requirements analysis and design 5
2.1 Requirements analysis 5
2.2 System design 5
2.2.1 System functional analysis 5
2.2.2 System features modular design 6
2.3 Database design 6
2.3.1 Database needs analysis 6
2.3.2 Data structure design concept 8
2.3.3 Logical database structure design 9
2.3.4 Summary 10
Chapter 3 System’s installation and set up 11
3.1 JDK installation and setup 11
3.2 TOMCAT Installation and setup 11
3.3 Installation of MYSQL database 12
Chapter 4 Implementation of the module function 15
4.1 Candidates login module 15
4.2 Time control module candidates 18
4.3 Intelligent test paper module 18
4.3.1 The basic principles of genetic algorithms 18
4.3.2 Genetic algorithm in examination paper 19
4.3.3 Implementation of genetic algorithm test paper 20
4.4 Automatic grading and scoring 22
4.5 Summary 24
chapter 5 Summary and outlook 25
5.1 Work summary 25
5.2 System problems and deficiencies 25
5.3 Future improvements 25
References 27
Acknowledgment 29
Personal profiles 30
Letter of commitment 31
Authorization statement 32







中  文  摘  要

本论文的中心环节为B/S架构和遗传算法组卷。应用B/S模式架构,应用系统的中心功能集中到服务器上,简化了系统的开发、维护、更新和使用,客户端只需安装一个浏览器软件,即可进行考试,不需要安装用户界面应用程序,真正实现了“瘦客户”, 系统的扩展也非常容易,只需对服务器的应用程序扩展,实现客户端的同步更新。优化遗传算法智能组卷,避免随机组卷生成随意性试题的问题和陷入无限循环的死区,使组卷进一步智能化、科学化,提高了搜索效率,同时根据试题的难度对试题进行智能组卷,以章节的分值占试卷总分值的比例作为知识点搜索条件,使试题定位更加合理准确。
该系统实现考试的网络化、无纸化、智能化,适用于Internet,前端考试应用系统和后端数据库管理系统均采用 B/S 模式,而且对服务器的配置要求非常低,客户端不用任何设置。通过后台管理功能,教师建立题库和考生信息库;前台应用系统实现,到时间就自动交卷,然后自动判卷,公正、安全、方便地完成考试。前台内容包括:登陆、开始考试、确认交卷、评分。后台内容包括:考生信息管理、题库管理,遗传算法组卷、成绩分析。



The purpose of online examination system designed alleviate the workload of teachers, in order to achieve a fair test, just. Through analysis of test results to students,it can provide feedback for teaching and learning, encourage teachers to improve teaching, promote student learning. Teachers establish exam bank,it is a collection of sorting process and a process of accumulation of teaching experience.
The central part of this paper is B / S structure and genetic algorithm. By B/S structure, System at the core of focus to the server, Simplifies system development, maintenance and use. Clients only need to install a browser software, no need to install the user interface application, so that "thin client", Expansion of the system is very easy. Breakthrough random algorithm test paper, test paper can achieve the genetic algorithm, to avoid the random search is easy to produce an infinite loop problems and improve the search efficiency, but also with the difficulty of the questions were questions Forecasting and Endowing, knowledge point total score total scores of papers percentage point of search terms as knowledge, make more reasonable and accurate positioning questions.
This system tests the network, paperless, automated, can be used to INTERNET and LAN, front-end applications and back-end management system were adopted B / S model, but the server configuration requirements are very low, the client do not have any settings. By background management functions , teachers and candidates can establish item bank database; front application system to automatically carry out an assignment on time, and then automatic grading, fair, safe, easy to complete the examination. Front cover: login, start test, an assignment confirmed, rates,. Background includes: candidate information management, paper management, genetic algorithm test paper, performance analysis.

Keywords: Online; Paper management; Genetic algorithm test paper