毕业设计 基于和谐社会构建的城市住区规划模式.doc
毕业设计 基于和谐社会构建的城市住区规划模式,摘 要城市住区作为城市生活的重要组成部分,一直以来都是关注和研究的热点。近年来,随着我国工业化、城市化的快速发展,城市住区发展在取得了积极成果的同时,也存在着许多不足之处。资源耗竭、环境污染和生态破坏成为困扰当今人类住区健康、和谐、可持续发展的主要问题。在城市住区规划建设中,...
此文档由会员 andey 发布毕业设计 基于和谐社会构建的城市住区规划模式
摘 要
关键词: 可持续发展,城市住区规划,绿色住宅,生态化
Subject: Based on the construction of harmonious society in urban residential planning mode
Urban residential have been concerned and research hotspot as an important part of urban life. In recent years, with the rapid development of the industrialization, the urbanization and urban residential development in yielded positive results, but also has many shortcomings. Resource depletion, environment pollution and ecology destruction nowadays human settlements a healthy and harmonious and sustainable development of the main problem. In urban residential planning and construction, how to protect the natural resources, especially for the rational utilization of non-renewable resources and economical use, How to protect and continuance of historical and cultural heritage of mental connotation, On the characteristics of how various factors comprehensively and comprehensive investigation and discover, explore the residential environment, is now we need to solve the problem. Summarize effect on our country's modern residential environment factors, protection and rational utilization of natural resources and energy, all the regeneration and comprehensive utilization level, make the person and nature, environment. Mutual alternate, mankind offers convenience, safety, quiet and beautiful residential area, has the important practical significance.
Based on the above problems of understanding and thinking, based on domestic city residential planning related theory and practice of the development process and analyze and find our harmonious society appeared the urban residential planning, the existing problems, this paper discussed and ecological residential related theory, this paper puts forward the design method of the ecological residential planning, design and planning of the whole nature must from the perspective of residential ecological planning and construction, puts forward the basic ideas and methods of the preliminary, also on the ecological residential planning and implementation of the assessment, the paper discussed finally the sustainable development of our future residential construction made hopeful prospect.
KEY WORDS: Sustainable development, Planning of City Community, Green residential area, Ecology
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 我国城市住区建设发展概况 1
1.2 我国居住区建设存在的问题 1
1.3 研究的意义 2
第二章 城市住区规划理论与实践发展 4
2.1 国外住区规划理论与实践发展 4
2.1.1 战前的邻里单位和居住街坊 4
2.1.2 战后的居住小区 7
2.1.3 70年代以来新城市主义、阿瓦尼原则 6
2.2 国内住区规划与实践发展 8
2.2.1 传统城市住区形态 8
2.2.2 近代城市住区形态 9
2.2.3 建国后我国城市住区形态 10
2.3 现代住区规划理论与实践发展的轨迹 12
第三章 基于和谐社会构建下的城市住区规划 14
3.1 城市住区绿色化 14
3.2 城市住区智能化 16
3.3 城市住区大规模郊区化 17
第四章 现今城市住区规划值得注意的几个问题 21
4.1 关注多元化发展趋势问题,满足多样化需求 21
4.1.1 针对不同类型居住区规划布局的研究 21
4.1.2 针对不同类型居住区建筑设计的探讨 22
4.1.3 不同类型居住区设施、服务需求的满足 22
4.1.4 不同类型居住区社会空间的规划设计应对 22
4.2 关注环境与节能问题,建设生态化居住区 23
4.3 因地制宜、适应型设计,重视使用者的需求 25
4.4 关注中小套型住宅设计,满足大多数人群的住房愿望 26
4.5 特色的保护与塑造传承历史与文脉 27
4.6 关注老年人居住问题,应对老龄化社会的到来 28
4.6.1 老年公寓住宅 28
4.6.2 家庭养老 29
4.6.3 护理和医疗型老年机构 30
第五章 城市住区规划优秀实例评析 31
5.1 北京• 沿海•赛洛城 31
5.2 上海• 海上海 33
5.3 东莞•理想0769 35
5.4 西安•紫薇馨苑 36
第六章 结语和展望 39
致 谢 40
参考文献 41