
原文档由会员 kobebryant315 发布现有的在线考试系统程序。包括论文和开题报告。程序功能蛮齐全的。适合计算机系的同学毕业设计所用
计算机网络技术的日益成熟及校园网的逐步普及,为考试信息化提供了良好的基础。利用计算机和网络技术实现在线考试,具有传统手工考试无法比拟的优点,因此,开发适应新形势需要的在线考试系统是很有必要的。针对淮安信息职业技术学院的考试特点,设计出了基于B/S结构的在线考试系统。 系统分别采用Windows XP和MS SQL Server2000作为服务器端操作系统和后台数据库的开发工具,系统体系结构使用B/S结构,采用dreamweaver作为B/S模块应用程序的开发工具,实现学生练习、学生考试、教师出卷、教师组卷、分配教师阅卷、教师阅卷等功能。在设计中采用当前流行的Ajax技术,提高了客户机和服务器之间数据交换的效率和灵活性。另外,该系统还使用资源本地化技术,这样可以把考试系统功能扩展到客户调查,扩大客户的范围,提高调查结果的准确性。 在系统的开发中还使用了如Ado、XML、JavaScript等前沿技术, 系统基于Internet/Intranet,集考试工作自动化和信息化为一体,达到系统设计。
Computer network technology matures and campus network gradually popularizing for an exam informatization provide a good foundation. Using a computer and network techniques to realize online examination, a traditional manual test the incomparable advantage, therefore, development to adapt to new situation need on-line examination system is very necessary. According to the information of huaian vocational technical college exam characteristics, designed based on B/S structure of on-line examination system. System respectively by means of Windows XP and MS SQL server Server2000 as operating systems and backend database development tool, the system architectures use B/S structure, adopt dreamweaver as B/S module application development tools, realize students practice, students' test, teacher a coil, teacher sets, distribution teachers scoring, teachers reading, and other functions. In the design USES the current popular Ajax technology, improving the server and the client data exchange between the efficiency and flexibility. In addition, the system is also use resources localization technology, so that the exam system function expansion to the customer investigation, expand the scope of customer, improve the accuracy of the investigation result. In system development in also used as Ado, XML, JavaScript etc advanced technology, system based on Internet Intranet, integrating exam/work automation and information into an organic whole, achieve system design.
Key word: online examination, B/S structure, ASP, informationization