毕业设计 基于fpga的fir数字滤波器的设计.rar
毕业设计 基于fpga的fir数字滤波器的设计,毕业设计 基于fpga的fir数字滤波器的设计基于fpga的fir数字滤波器的设计摘要在现代电子系统中,fir数字滤波器以其良好的线性特性被广泛使用,属于数字信号处理的基本模块之一。在工程实践中,往往要求对信号处理要有实时性和灵活性,而己有的一些软件和硬件实现方式则难以同时达到这两方面的要求。随着可编程逻辑器件和fda...
原文档由会员 andey 发布毕业设计 基于FPGA的FIR数字滤波器的设计
Design of the FIR Digital Filter Based on FPGA
In the modern electrical system,the FIR digital filter is used form any practical applications for its good linear phase character, and it provide an important function in digital signal processing design. In engineering practice, there is always a real-time and flexible requirement for signal processing. However, software and hardware techniques available for implementation are difficult to meet the demand for the two aspects in the same time. Along with the development of PLD device and EDA technology, more and more electrical engineers use FPGA to implement FIR filter, as it not only meet the real-time requirement, but also has some flexibility.
In this paper, a method to implement the FIR filter using FPGA is proposed. The work mainly as follow:
(1) According to the basic theory of FIR filters, a scheme of hardware implementation is worked out using distributed arithmetic algorithm. As the scale of the LUT in the distributed arithmetic algorithm is so large, the thesis reduces it with the use of multiple coefficient memory banks.
(2) From the clew of implementing a top-down stratified, modular design, the thesis describes the hard ware design of all functional modules and the FIR system with the VHDL and schematic diagram design methods.
(3) At last, a sixteen-tapped low-pass FIR filter is taken as an example, and the simulation design carried out using QuartusII. And analyzed the result, and it proved that the function of the design is correct.
The result of the simulation indicates that the scale of the design is small, and the sample rate of the FIR filter can reach 8.8MHZ.Modifying the LUT can realize the low-pass, high-pass and band-pass FIR filters respectively, and incarnates the flexibility of the design.
Key words:FIR digital filter;FPGA;Distributed Arithmetic;Offset-Binary Coding;LUT
毕业设计(论文)任务书 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究意义和应用背景 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状 1
1.3 研究思路 3
1.4 本论文的主要内容和主要工作 4
第2章 FIR数字滤波器简介 5
2.1 FIR数字滤波器 5
2.1.1 数字滤波器的概述 5
2.1.2 FIR滤波器的原理 6
2.1.3 FIR滤波器的基本结构 7
2.1.4 线性相位FIR数字滤波器的系统结构 7
2.1.5 FIR数字滤波器的设计方法 8
2.2 实现FIR数字滤波器的硬件算法——分布式算法 9
2.2.1 分布式算法 9
2.2.2 分布式算法的优化 12
第3章 EDA技术和可编程逻辑器件 17
3.1 EDA技术 18
3.2 EDA技术的主要内容 18
3.2.1 大规模可编程器件 18
3.2.2 硬件描述语言VHDL 19
3.3 基于EDA技术的“自顶向下”的设计方法 21
3.4 基于EDA技术的电子电路设计流程 21
3.5 可编程逻辑器件 23
3.5.1 可编程逻辑器件简介 23
3.5.2 使用FPGA器件进行开发的优点 24
3.5.3 FPGA设计的开发流程 25
3.6 FLEX10K系列芯片介绍 26
3.6.1 FLEX10k的结构 27
3.6.2 FLEX10K系列器件的特点 28
3.7 开发工具QuartusII介绍 28
第4章 FIR滤波器的设计与仿真 29
4.1 FIR滤波器的模块划分 29
4.1.1 滤波器模块的划分 29
4.1.2 方案确定 29
4.2 FIR滤波器各模块功能的实现 30
4.2.1 控制模块 30
4.2.2 输入模块 31
4.2.3 乘累加模块 33
4.2.4 锁存模块 35
4.2.5 顶层设计 35
4.3 FIR数字滤波器的系统设计 36
4.4 FIR滤波器的综合 39
4.4.1 数字系统综合概述 39
4.4.2 本设计的综合 39
4.5 FIR滤波器各模块的仿真 41
4.5.1 控制模块的仿真 41
4.5.2 输入模块时序仿真 42
4.5.3 乘累加模块时序仿真 45
4.5.4 锁存模块时序仿真 48
第5章 结束语 51
5.1 总结 51
5.2 展望 51
参考文献 53