基于单片机的倒车雷达设计(语音播报部分),目录1 绪论11.1 倒车雷达的研究背景与意义11.2 汽车倒车雷达的国内外研究现状21.2.1国外倒车雷达系统的现状21.2.2 国内倒车雷达系统的现状31.3 本文主要研究的内容32 系统的构建与方案设计43 系统硬件设计63.1 控制模块73.1.1 at89c51单片机介绍73.1.2 控制模块电路设计103....

此文档由会员 lixiaolei0512 发布目录
1 绪论 1
1.1 倒车雷达的研究背景与意义 1
1.2 汽车倒车雷达的国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外倒车雷达系统的现状 2
1.2.2 国内倒车雷达系统的现状 3
1.3 本文主要研究的内容 3
2 系统的构建与方案设计 4
3 系统硬件设计 6
3.1 控制模块 7
3.1.1 AT89C51单片机介绍 7
3.1.2 控制模块电路设计 10
3.1.3 复位电路 10
3.1.4 时钟电路 11
3.2 语音模块 12
3.2.1 语音芯片ISD2560介绍 12
3.2.2语音模块电路设计 13
3.2.3 功放电路工作原理 16
3.3 电源模块 17
4 系统软件设计 19
4.1 软件设计概述 19
4.2 系统主程序设计 19
4.3 语音模块子程序设计 20
5 总结 22
5.1 结论 22
5.2 展望 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24
摘要: 本文在查阅、分析国内外倒车雷达系统相关技术的基础上,结合最新研究成果,对倒车雷达语音报警系统的研制进行了深入探讨和研究。该系统分为系统控制模块和语音报警模块,并分别对其进行方案分析,构建了倒车雷达报警系统的系统构架和设计方案;在硬件电路中,详细阐述了运用单片机技术实现的倒车雷达语音报警系统的实现原理,分析了以AT89C51单片机为主控单元的系统硬件和软件设计,并对该系统进行了试验和误差分析,给出了本系统的稳定性指标。
Design of Automobile Back a car Radar System Based on SCM
——Part Of Voice Alarm System
Abstract:The thesis mainly analyzed deeply the research on the design of Car Reversing Radar-System. Firstly according to the latest researches in domestic and foreign countries. the system consisted of the Module Control Module and Display or Voice Alarm Module.The paper discussed the scheme of two module and selected the best system scheme in the paper. Secondly it presented the theory and characters of Voice Alarm-Measurement and analyzed in detail design of the hardware and software based on the AT89C51microcontroller. Thirdly the fuzzy control algorithm is proposed,the simulation is introduced into the system.At last. through the experiment and error analysis it proved the stability of the system.
To monitor its reliability, imitations of main cases of the system have been carried out and stable instructions of voice alarm system have already been received,which verify its efficiency and feasibility.
Key words: reversing radar, voice alarm, SCM