
原文档由会员 li484167 发布摘要
The dissertation is the important step of the university’s personal training process. The aim is to train and improve students’ abilities such as the ability to analyze and solve the real problems or the manipulating ability using their basic major theory, knowledge and technology. Through the dissertation, students could improve their composite major quality and the practical ability. In all, the dissertation is an important step of the practical instruction. But there are many problems in each step of the quality management of the dissertation process at present. The problems are as follows: It is lack of publicity and equality on the aspects of choosing tutor and selecting theme; the communication between students and tutor is not very convenience, etc. All of the above problems represent the ignorance of the dissertation quality management. This has embarrassed the quality and the effect of the dissertation.
In order to solve the quality management problem of the dissertation, the quality management platform (it would be called QMP for short in the thesis) for dissertation has been developed. In the thesis, there are certain aspects that have been studied. The process management theory has been introduced to develop the quality management platform. The theory meaning and method of the process management has been analyzed. According to the theory, the revelation on the software development of the quality management platform has been concluded. Under the revelation, the thesis summarized the design steps and the managing method on the software development of the quality management platform. The total analysis of the quality management platform has been completed. It mainly includes the requirement analysis of the platform, the architecture analysis, the typical service of the platform, etc. At last, the quality management platform of the dissertation has been developed. It is standardize, comprehensive, and open. The platform has completed the development of the following four sub-platforms specifically: the tutor working platform, the student working platform, the appraisal expert working platform and the educational administrator working platform. The functions of the platform include the theme checking (such as student’s autonomous theme declaration, tutor’s theme declaration, the theme approve, replenish theme declaration, theme checking, theme assignment, theme result checking), the report direction (such as weekly working assignment and report, the report submit and approve, the mark of the report score, etc), the dissertation progress direction (such as the outline submit and approve, the draft submit and approve, etc), the conclusion of the dissertation (such as the thesis and the program submit and approve, the mark of the dissertation score, filling in certain table, etc). The quality management platform of the dissertation has been tried out initially and has acquired certain sound effect.
Keywords: Process Management; Quality Management Platform; Dissertation
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1. 构建毕业设计质量管理平台的理论与实际意义 1
1.2. 毕业设计质量管理平台的现状分析 2
1.3. 本文研究的主要内容 3
第二章 毕业设计质量管理平台的软件设计方法及流程 5
2.1.过程管理内涵及体系结构 5
2.2.几种过程管理方法及其对毕业设计质量管理平台软件建设的启示 7
2.2.1.朱兰三部曲及其对质量管理平台建设的启示 7
2.2.2.PDCA循环及其对质量管理平台建设的启示 8
2.2.3.质量杠杆及其对质量管理平台建设的启示 10
2.3.过程管理下的毕业设计质量管理平台设计流程及管理措施 11
2.4.小结 13
第三章 毕业设计质量管理平台的总体分析 14
3.1.毕业设计质量管理平台需求分析 14
3.1.1.功能需求 14
3.1.2.性能需求 15
3.2.毕业设计质量管理平台结构分析 16
3.2.1 质量管理平台体系结构 16
3.2.2 质量管理平台功能结构 17
3.2.3 质量管理平台的数据库管理 18
3.3.毕业设计质量管理平台典型业务分析 18
3.3.1 选题工作 18
3.3.2 开题工作 20
3.3.3 论文工作 20
3.3.4 结题工作 21
3.3.5 交流工作 22
3.4.小结 22
第四章 毕业设计质量管理平台的技术路线及具体实现 23
4.1.软件环境设计 23
4.2.质量管理平台总体框架及功能分析 25
4.3.关键模块设计与实现 26
4.4. 数据库设计 33
4.5.小结 35
第五章 毕业设计质量管理平台的测试与试用 36
5.1 质量管理平台的测试 36
5.2 质量管理平台的试用 37
第六章 结束语 38
6.1.全文总结 38
6.2.研究展望 39
注释 40
参考文献 41
致谢 44