气控机械手的设计, 摘要:本机械手的设计是应用于抓取100g的物体,直径为15mm的零件,机械手的动作要完成上料与下料的工作,把物体从一个地方搬运的到另一个地方,具体动作为当一个物件加工好后,机械手通过一个伸降缸下降100mm,伸缩缸紧接着伸50mm,此时气爪抓取物件,伸缩缸收回,摆动气缸实现抓取的工件180度的旋转,伸...

原文档由会员 lixiaolei0512 发布气控机械手的设计
Accuse of the design of the manipulator angrily
Summary : The design of this manipulator is an object applying to pick 100g, the diameter is a part of 15mm, movements of the manipulator should finish the material loading and work of unloading, the ones that carried the object from a place are to another place , concrete movements are after a piece of things is processed well, the manipulator stretches and lowers the jar to drop 100mm through one, and then the flexible jar stretches 50mm, the angry claw picks the things at this moment, the flexible jar is regained , swing air cylinder realize work piece degree of rotations that pick , is it lower jar rise , the angry claw lets go of the work piece to stretch, swing the air cylinder and rotate 180 degrees and return to the original position, the whole movement is finished. Pursue to accuse of the design of the return circuit kindly for assembly mainly in content designed.
Keyword: Manipulator,atmospheric pressure technology , air cylinder , angry claw , atmospheric pressure return circuit,atmospheric pressure return circuit.