

基于单片机的数字抢答器设计, 全新设计 适用于大专本科的毕业设计 直接能用摘 要随着科学技术的发展和普及,各种各样的竞赛越来越多,其中抢答器的作用也越来越重要。本文设计出以at89s52单片机为核心的八路抢答器,采用了数字显示器直接指示,自动锁存显示结果,并自动复位的设计思想,它能根据不同的抢答输入信号,经过单片机的控制...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 qzcajly 发布

基于单片机的数字抢答器设计 全新设计 适用于大专本科的毕业设计 直接能用

摘 要
【关键词】抢答器  单片机   LED数码显示管      扬声器。

With the development of science and technology popularization, all kinds of competition is more and more, including the role of vies to answer first is more and more important. This paper designed AT89S52 SCM as the core to 8 vies to answer first regulator, with the digital display direct instructions, automatic lock to save shows the results, and automatic reset the design thought, it can according to different vies to answer first the input signal, the control of the single chip processing and produce different with the input signal corresponding output signal, and finally LED digital display through the corresponding because, even if the two groups of vies to answer first time is a few microseconds, also can distinguish which group is preferred press buttons, make full use of the single chip computer system structure is simple, powerful, reliability, and practicability of characteristics.
【Key Words】vies to implement  microcontroller  LED digital
   speaker .


目  录
摘 要 I
Abstract I
目  录 II
第一章  绪论 1
1.1课题设计的相关背景 1
1.2选题的目的和意义 1
第二章 抢答器总体方案 2
2.1数字抢答器设计的方案论证 2
2.2模块选型 3
2.2.1单片机的选择 3
2.2.2显示器的选择 4
第三章 硬件电路设计模块 5
3.1总体设计 5
3.2模块性能分析 5
3.2.1 AT89C52的简介 6
3.2.2外部石英振荡电路设计模块 8
3.2.3复位电路的设计模块 8
3.3 按钮电路设计模块 9
3.4 LED电路设计模块 10
3.5 蜂鸣器电路设计模块 11
第四章 系统软件设计模块 12
4.1主程序系统结构图 12
4.2程序流程图 12
4.4 Proteus软件仿真系列组图 14
4.5小结 16
致  谢 17
参考资料 18
附录 19
附录1:八路抢答器程序清单 19
附录2:设计图纸 23