

智力资本与财务资本-谁对企业价值创造更有效,智力资本与财务资本:谁对企业价值创造更有效?——来自于江浙地区企业的实证研究20页 1.4万字摘要:财务资本对于企业价值创造的作用是毋庸置疑的,而在知识经济时代,智力资本对于企业价值创造也发挥越来越重要的作用。智力资本包括人力资本、关系资本和结构资本三要素,本文关注于三个问题的回答:一、在智力资本对企业价值创造日趋重要...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 baobee 发布


——来自于江浙地区企业的实证研究 20页 1.4万字

JEL: M100,M410,L200

Financial Capital and Intellectual Capital: Who is more important for Corporation’s Performance?
Abstract: The paper focuses on three questions: 1. Is financial capital still more important for corporation’s performance? 2. Does human capital have direct or indirect effect on corporation’s performance ? 3. Which is more important for continuable development of corporation, financial capital or intellectual capital? We take 126 corporations as sample and build up four nesting models by SEM based on trichotomies of intellectual capital. The paper finds several results: financial capital is important for performance and is a core of triangle which including financial capital 、human capital and performance. Intellectual capital is more important to corporation’s continuable increase. The corporations should pay attention to cultivation and accumulation of IC for its strategic performance.

Key words: Financial Capital, Intellectual Capital, Corporation’s Performance
JEL Classification:M100,M410,L200

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