城郊煤矿24 mta新井设计.docx


城郊煤矿24 mta新井设计,毕业论文题目:城郊煤矿24 mta新井设计(毕业论文专题题目:浅析冲击矿压及其防治)设计说明书摘要本设计包括三个部分:一般部分、专题部分和翻译部分。一般部分为永煤集团城郊煤矿2.4mt/a新井设计。全篇共分为十个部分:矿井概况及井田地质特征、井田境界及储量、矿井工作制度、设计生产能力、井田开拓、矿井基本巷道、采煤方法、...
分类: 论文>地质/地理论文


此文档由会员 买卖文 发布

毕业论文题目:城郊煤矿24 Mta新井设计(毕业论文专题题目:浅析冲击矿压及其防治)设计说明书

城郊矿位于河南省永城市境内。井田南北走向平均长6.5km,东西平均宽9km,面积约58.5km2。井田内可采煤层为三2煤,其赋存稳定,厚度平均为5.2m,倾角平均6°,为缓倾斜煤层。井田内工业储量为2.8236亿t,可采储量为2.2589亿t。矿井正常涌水量为180~250 m3/d,井田中各煤层沼气含量一般小于0.5cm3/g,属低沼气矿井。各煤层均无煤尘爆炸危险。各煤层均属不自燃发火煤层;地温29~30℃。





This design contains three parts: the general,the special subject and the translation.
The general part is a new design of Chengjiao Mine in Yongcheng coal & electricity combine. The whole article is divided into ten parts: the outline of the mine, the mine field geology, the boundary and reserves, the designed productive capacity, the service life and working area, the coal transportation, the mine lifting, the ventilation and safety, and the main economical and technological index of the mine.
The Chengjiao Mine field lies in Yongcheng in Henan province. The boundary of the mine field runs 6.5km from north to south and 9km from west to east on average. The total plane area of the mine is about 58.5km2. There is only one exploring layer--number three. Its average thickness of the seam is5.2m and it’s stable andflatly inclined. Its dip angle is 6 degree on average. The industry reserves of the mine field are 282.36 million tons and the useable reserves are 225.89 million tons. The average inflow rate in Chengjiao mine is 180~250 m3/h. It is a lower gassy mine. The coal dust doesn’t have explosion hazard as well as the self-combustion tendency.
The productive capacity of Chengjiao Mine is 2.4 million tons per year,and the service life is 67.23 years. The work system is 4-shift with a 6-hour workday. There’re two working levels in the mine. The first development level is located at the -600m, and the second is at the level of -750m. The comprehensive mechanized longwall caving method along the dip is used in Chengjiao Mine.
There is only one working face in the mine. It is comprehensive mechanized coal face. The length of the face is 160m, and the designed productive capacity of the face is 2.4 million tons per year. Coal is transported by belt conveyer and the diagonal ventilation system is used in Chengjiao.
The title of special subject is :On the extraction treatment technology for gas of the gob.
The translation part is an article from international journal of the formation of the paste-like backfill technology, titled “A New Mode of Coal Mining Under Buildings with Paste-Like Backfill Technology”
Keywords:mining under buildings;paste-like backfill;full-sand-soil solidifying material


目  录
1 矿区概述及井田地质特征 3
1.1矿区概述 3
1.1.1矿区的地理位置与交通 3
1.1.2地形特点 3
1.1.5矿区的水文条件 3
1.2 井田地质特征 3
1.2.1井田的地形及地质构造 3
1.2.2井田的水文地质特征 3
1.3煤层特征 3
1.3.2煤层的围岩性质 3
1.3.3煤的特征 3
2 井田境界与储量 3
2.1井田境界 3
2.1.1井田范围 3
2.1.2开采界限 3
2.1.3井田尺寸 3
2.2矿井工业储量 3
2.2.1储量计算依据 3
2.2.2矿井工业储量 3
2.3矿井可采储量 3
2.3.1安全煤柱留设原则 3
2.3.2矿井永久保护煤柱损失量 3
2.3.3矿井可采储量 3
3 矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限 3
3.1矿井工作制度 3
3.2矿井设计生产能力及服务年限 3
3.2.1矿井设计生产能力及服务年限确定依据 3
3.2.2矿设计生产能力 3
3.2.3矿井服务年限 3
3.2.4井型校核 3
4 井田开拓 3
4.1井田开拓的基本问题 3
4.1.1井筒形式、数目、位置及坐标的确定 3
4.1.2工业场地的确定 3
4.1.3开采水平的确定 3
4.1.4大巷及井底车场的布置 3
4.1.5矿井开拓延伸方案 3
4.1.6矿井开拓方案比较 3
4.2 矿井基本巷道 3
4.2.1井筒 3
4.2.2井底车场 3
4.3主要开拓巷道 3
5 准备方式——采(盘)区或带区巷道布置 3
5.1煤层的地质特征 3
5.1.1采区煤层特征 3
5.1.2顶底板特性 3
5.1.3地质构造 3
5.2采(盘)区或带区巷道布置及生产系统(见首采区巷道布置平剖面图) 3
5.2.1带区准备方式的确定 3
5.2.2生产系统的确定 3
5.2.3带区内巷道掘进 3
5.2.4带区生产能力及采出率 3
5.3带区车场选型设计 3
5.3.1带区下部车场设计 3
6 采煤方法 3
6.1采煤工艺方式 3
6.1.1带区煤层特征及地质条件 3
6.1.2确定采煤工艺方式 3
6.1.3回采工作面长度的确定 3
6.1.4回采工作面的推进方向和推进度 3
6.1.5综采工作面的设备配套 3
6.1.6回采工作面破煤、装煤方式 3
6.1.7回采工作面支护方式 3
6.1.8端头支护及超前支护方式 3
6.1.9各工艺过程注意事项 3
6.1.10回采工作面正规循环作业和工作面成本 3
6.2回采巷道布置 3
6.2.1回采巷道布置方式 3
6.2.2回采巷道参数 3
7 井下运输 3
7.1概述 3
7.1.1矿井设计生产能力及工作制度 3
7.1.2煤层及煤质 3
7.1.3运输距离和货载量 3
7.2带区运输设备选择 3
7.2.1设备选型原则: 3
7.2.2带区运输设备选型及能力验算 3
7.3大巷运输设备选择 3
7.3.1胶带回风大巷设备选择 3
7.3.2辅助运输大巷设备选择 3
7.3.3运输设备能力验算 3
8 矿井提升 3
8.1矿井提升概述 58
8.2主副井提升 58
8.2.1主井提升 58
8.2.2副井提升设备选型 3
8.2.3井上下人员运送 3
9 矿井通风及安全 61
9.1矿井概况、开拓方式及开采方法 61
9.1.1矿井地质概况 61
9.1.2开拓方式 61
9.1.3开采方法 61
9.1.4变电所、充电硐室、火药库 3
9.1.5工作制、人数 3
9.2矿井通风系统的选择 3
9.2.1矿井通风系统的基本要求 3
9.2.2矿井通风方式的选择 3
9.2.3主要通风机工作方式选择 3
9.2.4带区通风系统的要求 3
9.2.5带区工作面通风方式的选择 3
9.2.6回采工作面进回风巷道的布置 3
9.2.7通风构筑物 3
9.3矿井风量计算 3
9.3.1工作面所需风量的计算 3
9.3.2备用面需风量的计算 3
9.3.3掘进工作面需风量 3
9.3.4硐室需风量 3
9.3.5其它巷道所需风量 3
9.3.6矿井总风量 3
9.3.7风量分配 3
9.4矿井阻力计算 3
9.4.1矿井最大阻力路线 3
9.4.2矿井通风阻力计算 3
9.4.3矿井通风总阻力 3
9.4.4两个时期的矿井总风阻和总等积孔 3
9.5选择矿井通风设备 3
9.5.1选择通风机的基本原则 3
9.5.2选择主扇 3
9.5.3电动机选型 3
9.6安全灾害的预防措施 3
9.6.1预防瓦斯和煤尘爆炸的措施 3
9.6.2预防井下火灾的措施 3
9.6.3防水措施 3
10 矿井基本技术经济指标 3
专题部分 3
浅析冲击矿压及其防治 3
1 煤矿冲击地压发生的条件及影响因素 3
2 煤矿冲击地压发生的原因和机理 3
3煤矿冲击地压预测技术 3
4 结语 3
翻译部分 3
英文原文 3
中文译文 3
致谢 3