忽吉图18 mta新井设计.doc
忽吉图18 mta新井设计,忽吉图18 mta新井设计(毕业论文专题题目:矿井火灾预防与治理)设计说明书摘 要 本设计包括三部分:一般部分,专题部分和翻译部分。一般部分是忽吉图1.8 mt/a吨新井设计。一般部分共包括10章:1.矿区概述及井田地质特征;2.井田境界和储量;3.矿井工作制度及设计生产能力、服务年限;4.井田开拓;5.准备方式-盘区...

此文档由会员 买卖文 发布忽吉图18 Mta新井设计
摘 要
一般部分是忽吉图1.8 Mt/a吨新井设计。一般部分共包括10章:1.矿区概述及井田地质特征;2.井田境界和储量;3.矿井工作制度及设计生产能力、服务年限;4.井田开拓;5.准备方式-盘区巷道布置;6.采煤方法;7.井下运输;8.矿井提升;9.矿井通风与安全技术;10.矿井基本技术经济指标。
忽鸡图村煤矿位于鄂尔多斯市东胜区东南直距约36km处,东胜煤田四道柳找煤区第2~5勘探线之间,行政区划隶属于鄂尔多斯市准格尔旗四道柳乡。矿区地形总体呈北高南低。最高点位于矿区北侧,海拔标高1420.2m,最低点位于东南部的南沟,海拔标高1291m,相对高差为129.2m左右。属高原侵蚀性丘陵地貌,地形切割强烈,基岩裸露,植被稀疏,为半荒漠地区。走向长5.01 km,倾斜宽2.80 km,面积14.2km2。矿井正常涌水量80 m3/h。瓦斯极小,煤尘无爆炸危险性,煤层自燃发火倾向小。
井田内可采煤层4层,3、4、5、6号煤层。设计一层煤,即6号煤层。6号煤层厚度在2.2 m~4.9 m,一般在2.81m,倾角1º~5º。属主亮煤。煤尘无爆炸性危险,自燃发火期3~5个月。井田内可采储量约211.05Mt,矿年产1.8Mt/a,为大中型矿井,服务年限为66.58a。
矿井采用一矿两面的高效作业方式。工作面长度为230 m。矿井通风方式为抽出通风方式,风井布置方式为中央并列式。
翻译部分题目为:“Synthesizing the mechanization adopts to put a coal mines technique and its outlooks”
关键词:矿井设计; 建筑物; HWQS;
This design includes three parts: General part, translation part with special subject part.
General part is Pinghu mine 0.6 millions tons of new design. This design includes ten chapters: 1.An outline of the mine field geology; 2.Boundary and the reserves of mine; 3.The service life and working system of mine; 4.development engineering of coalfield; 5.The layout of panels; 6. The method used in coal mining; 7. Transportation of the underground; 8.The lifting of the mine; 9. The ventilation and the safety operation of the mine; 10.The basic economic and technical norms.
Pinghu mine locate in Fengcheng Jiangxi province , traffic is convenience to the mine . The scope of mining area: From west F3 fault, east is to the border between the mining stratum and the area of Jurassic. From north 1 seams Yin bend to appear line and 3 fair exploration district lines, till south in 13 coal seams - the ground projection line of the contour of 650 m. The run of the minefield is 4.3 km ,the width is about 3.3 km. The normal flow of t is 120 m3 percent hour . The mineral well gas gushes the deal higher, for high gas mineral well.Coal dust has explosive dangerousness, and coal seam have spontaneous combustion get angry trend.
The designed productive capacity is 0.6 million tons percent year, and the service life of the mine is 41.7 years. The duty degree is made for "3- 8". The method of coal mining of pit is once pick mine completely high. The well farmland is two level. Absolute altitude is first level - 700 m, with vertical shaft development, main vertical shaft is used to promote coal mainly, associate shaft is used to promote people , stone , with material.
The mine has one-mine-one-face. The length of working-face is 100 m.
The ventilated way under shaft is for drawing out the well ventilated way, the breeze well arranges way as two sides opposite angles type.
The part of special subject have introduced Beton of paste-like backfill gob-side entry retaining technic.
Translation part is about Studies of high water and quick setting (HWQS) cementitious mibackfill.
Keyword: Pit is designed; building; HWQS;