
此文档由会员 tekinzo 发布机械设计搅拌器的设计
关键词: 絮凝池 混凝剂 沉淀效果 絮凝性能
Accomplish flocculation process flocculation pool (call reaction in general often pool) , handle middle in clean water occupying important position. Natural water suspension matter and limb matter grain diameter are very trivial.Be to dislodge these matter being backed by the means drifting along curdling generally , that is ,add the appropriate coagulant , blend through sufficiently in raw water, let colloid stability be spoiled the polymer (coming off after steady) and being situated between with coagulant water looks at and appraises an adsorption , makes a pellet have the flocculation function. But, that flocculation pool purpose is to create appropriate waterpower condition makes this have flocculation function pellet assembling, to form bigger flocculation body (catkin granule) in contacting middle mutually. But therefore, flocculation pool designs thinking that indeed or not, effect being related to a flocculation, the flocculation effect has direct impact to follow-up treatment precipitayion effect. The flocculation mixer is flocculation pool mechanical rabble device , it is used for the waste water treatment mixing process mainly. Design the design having mentioned flocculation pool originally, the mixer design and whose process flow.
Keywords: Flocculation pool Coagulant Precipitayion effect Flocculation function
1 前 言 1
1.1 毕业设计课题的目的、意义、国内外现状 1
1.1.1 毕业设计课题的目的、意义 1
1.1.2 国内外污水处理的现状 1
1.2 搅拌机在污水处理中的作用 2
1.2.1 搅拌机的发展概述 2
1.2.2 反应搅拌机的工作原理 2
1.3 絮凝的工作原理 3
1.4 水处理中的搅拌设备 3
1.5 絮凝搅拌机的适应条件和构造 3
1.5.1 絮凝搅拌机的适应条件 3
1.5.2 絮凝搅拌机的构造 4
1.6 本课题的设计思路 5
2 絮凝池的设计 6
2.1 絮凝池的设计探讨 6
2.1.1 絮凝的相似关系 7
2.1.2 假设和设想 10
2.2絮凝池的设计要求及结果 15
3 絮凝搅拌机的设计 16
3.1设计原始数据 16
3.2设计要点 16
3.3设计计算数据 16
3.4桨叶的设计 17
3.4.1桨叶结构尺寸确定 17
3.4.2搅拌器转速计算 17
3.4.3搅拌功率计算 19
4 电动机及减速器的选型 21
4.1减速器和电动机的选型条件 21
4.2电动机与减速器的选择 21
4.4搅拌轴的设计及其结果验证 23
4.5轴与桨叶、联轴器的连接 24
4.5.1连接形式 24
4.5.2联轴器与轴的连接 24
4.6轴承的选型及轴的最终确定 24
5 支撑装置设计 25
5.1搅拌机的支承部分 25
5.1.1机座 25
5.1.2轴承装置 26
5.2水下支撑座的设计 26
5.2.1轴承的选型 26
5.2.2支撑套的设计 27
6 轴的密封 28
7 结 论 30
符号说明 31
参考文献 32
谢 辞 33