毕业论文 乳化蜡的研究及应用进展.doc


毕业论文 乳化蜡的研究及应用进展,中文摘要乳化蜡是包括石油蜡在内的各种蜡均匀地分散在水中,借助乳化剂的定向吸附作用,在机械外力作用下制成的一种含蜡含水的均匀流体。石蜡是具有直链碳氢结构的长链化合物,分子中不含亲水基团,油性极强。石蜡的乳化就是要使其分散于水中,借助乳化剂的定向吸附作用,改变其表面张力,并在机械外力作用下成...
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此文档由会员 金阳 发布

毕业论文 乳化蜡的研究及应用进展


关键词:石蜡 乳化蜡 乳化 改性



Emulsifying wax is some kind of waxy aqueous homogeneous fluid, with the directional adsorption of emulsifier, to be made under the external mechanical forces. containing petroleum oil, and a variety of other wax dispersed evenly in water. Paraffin is a long-chain compound with straight-chain hydrocarbon structure, whose molecules do not contain hydrophilic groups that is extremely oily. Paraffin emulsion is to make itself dispersed in water, with the directional adsorption of emulsifier, changing its surface tension, and to become highly dispersed, uniform and stable emulsion under the external mechanical forces. The production of paraffin emulsion is quite a mature technology, that can be used for paper, leather, wood, agriculture, explosives, medicine, ceramics, cosmetics and automobile protections, etc. In this essay, we discussed the appearances of emulsion and the effects, as long as the raw material is paraffin. And the factors that affect the paraffin emulsification that includes emulsifying agent , emulsifying time ,and stirring speed, etc. We also studied, if necessary, the modification of paraffin. and in which fields that emulsifying wax can be used, and the guidance of wax application.

Key words : paraffin  emulsifying wax  emulsion  modification


目 录

1 绪 论 1
2 乳化蜡的类型及制备方法 2
2.1乳化蜡的类型 2
2.2 乳化蜡的制备 2
2.3 高稳定性蜡乳液的制备 3
2.4 微乳液制备和低能乳化工艺 3
3 影响石蜡乳化的因素 4
3.1 乳化剂的选择及用量 4
3.2 乳化时间 4
3.3 乳化温度 4
3.4 搅拌速度 5
3.5 稳定剂对乳液性能的影响 5
3.6 小结 5
4 乳化蜡的发展及应用前景 7
4.1 人造板工业 7
4.2 造纸工业 7
4.3 上光剂 8
4.4 农业 8
4.5 纺织工业 9
4.6 乳化炸药蜡 9
4.7 陶瓷工业 9
4.8 轻工、橡胶行业 9
4.9 建筑业 10
4.10 乳化蜡在我国的开发利用前景 10
5 石蜡的氧化对乳化效果的影响 11
5.1 石蜡氧化的反应机理......................................... 11
5.2 石蜡氧化的生产方法 12
5.3 石蜡无催化剂氧化改性 12
5.4 石蜡催化氧化改性 12
5.5 国内外石蜡氧化的发展现状................................... 12
5.6 氧化石蜡的性能特点 13
5.7 氧化石蜡的应用 13
5.8 氧化石蜡的乳化 14
6 论文总结 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 .............................................................18