

高职教育人才培养模式的改革方向研究,共计6页6000余字摘 要:本文以分析高校毕业生就业难的核心原因所在为出发点,主旨在于说明人才培养要同社会需求相接轨,通过高等人才和高职人才就业状况的比较,引出我国对高级应用型技能人才大批需求的现状,说明高职教育需承担起培养、输出高级应用型技能人才的重任。笔者主要从高职高专类院校的课程...
分类: 论文>心理学论文


此文档由会员 bshhty 发布


共计6页 6000余字

摘 要:本文以分析高校毕业生就业难的核心原因所在为出发点,主旨在于说明人才培养要同社会需求相接轨,通过高等人才和高职人才就业状况的比较,引出我国对高级应用型技能人才大批需求的现状,说明高职教育需承担起培养、输出高级应用型技能人才的重任。笔者主要从高职高专类院校的课程体系设置、新型校企合作模式等五个方面进行了深入的研究。
关键词:高职教育 就业 人才培养 研究

The research of taking obtaining employment as good guiding modern duty educate height training
Abstract: Core cause difficult the main body of a book to be used analyse occupation-taking-up of graduates from institutions of higher learning location is starting point , the gist depends on explanation personnel training needs and society needs connect with the track , the comparison by advanced talented person and high duty talented person employment status, draw forth the current situation that our country needs to high-grade application type technical ability talented person large amounts of , explain that good duty educates the heavy responsibility needing bearing up the talented person training , exporting the high-grade application type. The author is similar to special field of the universities and colleges course offered mainly from high high duty end , new model school anxiously expects five aspect such as the education working together having carried out thorough research
.Key wouds: Duty educates height Obtain employment Personnel training Study

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