

大股东控制下的关联投资:“效率促进”抑或“转移资源”,共17页,20000字左右[摘 要] 在我国资本市场上,上市公司与其控股股东之间的关联投资是一种常见的投资现象,也是一种重要的关联交易形式。本文从“效率促进”和“转移资源”的视角对我国大股东控制下的上市公司关联投资进行分析。以2002-2005年的样本数据为依据,研究结果表明:上市公司的关联投资与企业绩效呈现负相关关系...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 lzj781219 发布


[摘 要] 在我国资本市场上,上市公司与其控股股东之间的关联投资是一种常见的投资现象,也是一种重要的关联交易形式。本文从“效率促进”和“转移资源”的视角对我国大股东控制下的上市公司关联投资进行分析。以2002-2005年的样本数据为依据,研究结果表明:上市公司的关联投资与企业绩效呈现负相关关系,关联投资并未增加企业价值,而是成为控股股东转移上市公司资源的一种渠道。进一步,当上市公司前一年发实施了IPO或SEO,EBIT较高时,关联投资与企业绩效呈现负相关关系;而当上市公司ROE为负或三年平均ROE在6%-8%之间时,关联投资与企业绩效显著正相关,说明控股股东会根据上市公司可供转移的资源多寡,通过关联投资将资源转出或转入上市公司,以实现控制权私利的最大化。
[关键词] 关联投资;效率促进;掏空;支持;治理环境
The Related Party Investment Controlled by Controlling Shareholder:
Efficiency Enhancing or Resource Transfer
Abstract: Related party investment between listed companies and their controlling shareholders is a frequently occurring phenomenon as well as an important form of related party transactions. From the perspectives of both “efficiency enhancing” and “resources transferring”, this study analyzes related party investments in listed companies under the control of controlling shareholders based on the sample data through 2002 to 2005. Research results indicate a negative relationship between related party investments in listed companies and companies’ performance. Related party investments do not add value to companies, and become an approach for controlling shareholders transferring companies’ resources. Specifically, when a company’s EBIT is high, related party investment is negatively correlated with company’ performance for firms conducting IPO or SEO in the previous year. However, when a company’s ROE is negative, or its average ROE for the past three years is ranged from 6% to 8%, related party investment is significantly correlated with company’ performance. Our research results imply that, based on the amount of manageable resources, controlling shareholders are likely to transfer resources into or out of companies through related party investments for the purpose of self-interests maximization.
Key Words: related party investment; efficiency enhancing; tunneling; propping; governance environment

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