我国理财产品的发展现状及前景分析,财务管理——学年论文摘 要由于我国金融市场的迅猛的发展,居民收入水平的提高,我国的理财产品呈现出产品多样化、渠道多样化、组合多样化等特点,需求市场非常巨大,发展前景一片大好。但同样由于产品设计能力的不足、和国外相比起步较晚、居民购买力有限、认识不足等原因,我国的理财产品存在诸如:产品趋同...

此文档由会员 易小川 发布财务管理——学年论文
摘 要
关键词: 理财产品; 发展现状; 前景分析
China's financial product development present situation and prospect analysis
Due to the financial market of our country is swift and violent development, dweller ‘s income level rises.China's financial products show characteristics of products, channel and portfolio diversification, market demand is very great, a good development prospects. But the same product’s design as a result of lack of ability, and compares with abroad to a late start, the purchasing power of residents is limited, such as lack of awareness and other reasons.our countries’ financial products have such as: products’ types, starting point of convergence, a single,short duration, high range limitations and other issues. Therefore, the future financial institutions should further strengthen mutual cooperation, develop more innovative products, expand the range of products to solve above problems, better grasp the future good market prospects.
This article through to the understanding of the status of our countries’ financial products’ development,analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of China's existing financial products, combines with domestic and foreign research results, puts forward some improvement methods and suggestions, and then look forward to the future development prospects, analysis and put out some proposals.
Key words: Financial product; Development present situation; Prospect analysis
目 录
1 我国理财产品的概述 1
1.1 我国理财产品的定义 1
1.2 我国理财产品的种类 1
2 我国理财产品的发展现状 2
2.1 我国理财产品分析 2
2.2 我国理财产品的改进建议 4
3 我国理财产品的前景展望 4
3.1 我国理财产品的前景分析 4
3.2 有关未来我国理财产品发展设想 5
结 论 5
参考文献 7