lzw码的编译码实现与应用探讨,lzw码的编译码实现与应用探讨摘 要现代社会中,信息无处不存在于我们的周围。信息的传递是信息源通过某种渠道传递到信宿。从熵的角度来讲,信息里包含一些冗余的信息。这无疑给信息的存储和传输带来很大的不方便。那么有没有方法解决这个问题呢?人们应用了数据压缩技术,使得信息里包含的冗余信息减少。数据压缩已经被广泛地应用到当今的网...

原文档由会员 qiyuluo2008 发布LZW码的编译码实现与应用探讨
摘 要
In this modern society,information surrounds us everywhere.Information transfetion means information transfers form information source to destination through some way. From a certain angle of entropy,information includes some redundancy,which,of course,brings much inconvenience to the storage and the transfer of information.Then,is there any way to solve this problem?Naturally,people can reach this goal through data compression,which makes redundancy more less.Data compression has already applied in network enviroment and mutimedia enviroment,because of its effect.
Data conpression can be divided to lossless compression and lossy compression.In lossless compression,there are Huffman coding,Shannon coding,dictionary coding and arithmetic coding.
This article starts with background ,research significance and development of data compression.And then discusses the model of the dictionary coding,which includes LZ77 algorithm,LZ78 algorithm and LZW algorithm.Among them,we will
emphasize LZW algorithm.Futher more,we will discuss the disadvantages and disadvantages.At last we come out with improvement according to the disadvantage.
At this design,the implementation of LZW algorithm is based on VS2008 this platform.The language used in this paper is c++.We will achieve LZW compression and decompression.LZW algorithm,compared with other algorithms has the advantage of easily compiling,easily complement on hardware and software,cheap and work quckily,and of course it’s a good method to compress information source.This work has certain significance for the application of LZW algorithm.
keyword:LZW algorithm,data compression,coding
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景和意义 1
1.1.1数据压缩的发展 1
1.1.2 数据压缩的性能 3
1.2 数据压缩的分类 3
1.3本章小结 4
第二章 字典算法 5
2.1 字典算法产生的背景 5
2.2 LZ77算法 5
2.2.1 LZ77算法 5
2.2.2 LZ77算法的问题 7
2.3 LZ78算法 7
2.3.1 LZ78算法详述 7
2.3.2 LZ78算法编码举例 9
2.3.3 LZ78算法的性能 11
2.4 本章小结 12
第三章 LZW算法原理 13
3.1 LZW算法编码原理 13
3.1.1 LZW算法的特点 13
3.1.2 LZW算法的原理 13
3.2 LZW算法译码原理 14
3.3 本章小结 15
第四章LZW算法的讨论 16
4.1 LZW算法的优缺点 16
4.2 LZW算法的改进 16
4.3 LZ77算法,LZ78算法和LZW算法比较 16
4.4 LZW算法对不同长度信源的压缩效果 17
4.5 本章小节 18
第五章 LZW算法的实现 19
5.1 编码算法 19
5.2 解码算法 23
5.3 本章小结 25
结论与讨论 26
参考文献 28
致谢 29