【外文翻译】粉煤灰基的汽车制动衬片的研究development of fly ash-based a.rar


【外文翻译】粉煤灰基的汽车制动衬片的研究development of fly ash-based a,原文:development of fly ash-based automotive brake liningabstractcoal-fired power plants all over the world generate huge amounts of fly ash each year...
分类: 论文>外文翻译



原文档由会员 s020700640 发布

原文:Development of fly ash-based automotive brake lining
Coal-fired power plants all over the world generate huge amounts of fly ash each year, 70 million tons of which are produced in theUnited States alone. Only 40% of all fly ashes generated in the USA find beneficial applications and rest have to be disposed off, which is burden for the generation industry. Fly ash particles possess certain characteristics that make them suitable for use in friction composites
as a filler material. An attempt has been made through this research to incorporate more than 50wt% of fly ash particles in automotive brake lining friction composites. This paper presents the research carried out on development of friction composites, using fly ash obtained from a specific power plant in Illinois. Ingredients such as phenolic resin, aramid pulp, glass fiber, potassium titanate, graphite, aluminum fiber and copper powder were used in the composite development phase, in addition to the fly ash. The developed brake liningcomposites have exhibited consistent coefficients of friction in the range of 0.35–0.4, and wear rates lower than 12wt%.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: Fly ash; Filler; Brake lining; FAST; SEM
火力发电厂每一年在全世界产生大量的粉煤灰, 其中美国就能独自产生7千万吨。在美国只有40%的粉煤灰能够被有效利用而剩下的则必须进行处理,这些就成为了工业负担。粉煤灰颗粒具有某些特性,这使他们作为填料而适用于摩擦复合材料。人们通过研究试图将超过50wt%的粉煤灰颗粒作为汽车刹车片摩擦复合材料。这篇论文介绍了这项研究关于摩擦复合材料的发展并采用了伊利诺伊州的某一家发电厂的粉煤灰。采用酚醛树脂、玻璃纤维、芳纶浆料、石墨、钛酸钾、铝纤维和铜粉以及粉煤灰等用于复合材料的研发。所研制的汽车刹车片复合材料的摩擦系数在稳定的范围(0.35-0.4),磨损率低于12wt%。