

校园网络安全问题及对策,计算机科学与技术本科生毕业论文摘 要网络安全的本质是网络信息的安全性,包括信息的保密性、完整性、可用性、真实性、可控性等几个方面,它通过网络信息的存储、传输和使用过程体现。校园网络安全管理是在防病毒软件、防火墙或智能网关等构成的防御体系下,对于防止来自校园网外的攻击。防火墙,则是内外网之间一道牢固的安全屏障。安全管理是...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 lcy2592 发布


摘  要


本文从对校园网的现状分析了可能面临的威胁,从计算机的安全策略找出解决方案既用校园网络安全管理加防火墙加设计的校园网络安全系统。通过以下三个步骤来完成校园网络安全系统:1、 建设规划;2、 技术支持;3、 组建方案。

关键词:网络; 安全; 设计



Network security is the essence of the safety of network information, including information of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, authenticity and controllable etc, it is through the network information storage, transport and use process. Campus network security management is in anti-virus software, a firewall or intelligence gateway, etc, the defense system to prevent from outside the campus. A firewall is a firm between inner and outer net security barrier. Safety management is the basis of network security and safety technology is the auxiliary measures with safety management. The school has established a set of campus network security system is necessary.

Based on the analysis of the status of the network could face threats, from the computer security strategy to find solutions in the campus network security management is designed with the campus network firewall security system. Through three steps to complete the campus network security system: 1, the construction plan. 2 and technical support. 3 and construction scheme.

Keyword: Network, Safe ;Design

目    录
绪  论 1
1. 校园网络安全 2
1.1 校园网概述 2
1.2 校园网络安全概述 3
1.3 校园网络安全现状分析 3
 1.4 校园网络安全威胁 5

2. 校园网络安全措施 8
2.1  校园网络安全管理 8
2.2  校园网络安全措施 9
3.校园网络安全系统设计 11
3.1  校园网建设需求分析 11
3.1.1  需求分析 11
3.1.2  关键设备 12
3.1.3  校园网络拓扑 13
3.2  技术方案 13
3.2.1  校园网的建设规划 13
3.2.2  组网技术 16
3.2.3  网络操作系统 18
3.2.4  INTERNET 接入技术 18
3.2.5  防火墙技术 19
3.2.6  建网方案 19
3.3  校园网的运行 23
3.3.1  校园网的应用 23
3.3.2  校园网的管理 23
总    结 25
参考文献 26
致    谢 27