

中英文无损检测名词术语,a.c magnetic saturation 交流磁饱和 absorbed dose 吸收剂量 absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量率 acceptanc limits 验收范围 acceptance level 验收水平 acceptance standard 验收标准 accumulation test...
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A.C magnetic saturation 交流磁饱和
Absorbed dose 吸收剂量
Absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量率
Acceptanc limits 验收范围
Acceptance level 验收水平
Acceptance standard 验收标准
Accumulation test 累积检测
Acoustic emission count(emission count) 声发射计数(发射计数)
Acoustic emission transducer 声发射换能器(声发射传感器)
Acoustic emission(AE) 声发射
Acoustic holography 声全息术
Acoustic impedance 声阻抗
Acoustic impedance matching 声阻抗匹配
Acoustic impedance method 声阻法
Acoustic wave 声波
Acoustical lens 声透镜
Acoustic—ultrasonic 声-超声(AU)
Activation 活化
Activity 活度
Adequate shielding 安全屏蔽
Ampere turns 安匝数
Amplitude 幅度
Angle beam method 斜射法
Angle of incidence 入射角
Angle of reflection 反射角
Angle of spread 指向角
Angle of squint 偏向角
Angle probe 斜探头
Angstrom unit 埃(A)
Area amplitude response curve 面积幅度曲线
Area of interest 评定区
Arliflcial disconlinuity 人工不连续性
Artifact 假缺陷
Artificial defect 人工缺陷