此文档由会员 antilogy 发布毕业论文-员工假期管理之数据统计
As the scale of business development and expansion of the number of staff positions and an increase in staff will leave the management of certain employees of the pressure, leave the application procedures for many types of holidays and holiday statistics, which are causing inconvenience to the administrator, traditional management by means of a large number of statistical data are very prone to error, which is detrimental to the development of enterprises, and therefore must be used by means of information technology to manage staff holidays, leave the management of standardization.
Staff holidays can be a good management system to help enterprises to enter the information, so that the management of employees is more clearly understood.
Key words: management information systems, statistics, databases.
1 绪论 3
1.1 问题定义和内容简介 3
1.2 研究背景和意义以及文档结构安排 4
1.3 相关软件简介 4
2 系统需求分析和模块设计 4
2.1 系统功能需求分析 5
2.1.1 假期类型维护 5
2.1.2 员工固定假期维护 5
2.1.3 员工假期申请 5
2.1.4 员工假期查询审批 5
2.1.5 假期报表 5
2.2 系统功能模块设计 6
2.3 数据库设计 7
3 系统的设计与实现 10
3.1 框架介绍 10
3.1.1 Struts2 10
3.1.2 Spring 11
3.1.3 Ibatis 11
3.2 框架搭建 12
3.2.1 配置数据源 12
3.2.2 建立dao层与service层 13
3.2.3 注入dao层与service层 14
3.2.4 配置ibatis映射文件 14
3.3 用户登录 14
3.4 员工假期申请 15
3.5 管理员审批假期 16
3.6 管理员查看假期信息 17
4 系统功能简介和评价 20
结论 20
参考文献 20