

计算机试题库方面的论文,摘 要考试管理工作中,从组织出卷到试卷的印制及试卷的管理等工作非常繁琐且工作量很大,更重要的是试卷的标准化程度、难易程度、题量大小等各方面难以控制,难以形成有效的试题库,不利于充分发挥历年来的优秀试题的作用。鉴于这种情况,试题库自动生成系统就显得尤为必要。本文首先分析了当前试题库系统开发中所存在的问题,接着提出了自己的...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 dxh2012 发布

摘  要
本系统是用JSP在网络上架构一个动态的网站,它是在Windows XP下,以SQL Server 2005为数据库开发平台,Tomcat网络信息服务作为应用服务器,采用JSP(Java Server Pages)技术开发的网上试题库系统。他分前台部分和后台部分,前台部分由用户使用,主要包括用户注册,添加试题,随机生成所需要的类型(试题的属性和题量)的试题,留言板留言等功能;后台部分由管理员使用,主要包括管理员注册,添加专业,删除专业,添加科目,删除科目,为科目添加试题类型,删除用户,留言板留言和管理等功能。

关键词:试题生成;试题库系统;JSP;SQL Sever;试题自动随机生成
In the examination management, work such as printing and management of the paper are very tedious and the work load is very large, the more important is the standardized intensity of the paper, complexity, question amount size, etc. are difficult to control, it is difficult to form effective trying the question-bank, it is unfavorable to fully giving play to the role of outstanding examination question over the years. In the view of this kind of situation, the management system of test question-bank seems particularly essential.
At the beginning the article analyzed the problems which are in the development of the presently-used test question-bank systems, so next I put forward my own thought to the management system of test question-bank, moreover, the article expounds the principle of the system designing, implementation of the system, the key techniques and so on, furthermore, the utility of the management system of test question-bank is expressed in this article by the establishment of the test question-bank and the functions of all modules.
The system is trying to use JSP in a dynamic network of e-commerce websites structure, which is in Windows XP, SQL Server 2005 for database development in platform, Tomcat application server as a network information services, use JSP (Java Server Pages) technology development online question manager system. Prospects and the background of some of his hours, the prospects of users, including users registered, add question, Produce question at random, give message on the message board function; the prospects of users, including manager register, add professional, delete professional, add subject, delete subject, add question type, delete user, give message and manage the message board function.
This system introduce the thought of the soft project in the course of the development, the test result indicates that this system running is well, the function is comparatively complete. It can satisfy the requirement that producing the paper automatically according the teacher’s demand.

Key Words: Produce Questions; Question System; JSP; SQL Sever; Produce Question at random
目  录
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题研究的背景 1
1.2 现行状况综述 1
1.3 系统设计思想 2
1.4 课题主要研究的意义 3
2 系统开发环境和工具及可行性分析 4
2.1 系统开发环境及工具介绍 4
2.1.1硬软件环境 4
2.1.2 JSP技术原理 4
2.1.3 SQL Server 2005 5
2.1.4 HTML 7
2.1.5 JDK 7
2.1.6 Eclipse 8
2.1.7数据库的连接 8
2.2 系统开发环境搭建技术介绍 9
2.2.1 JDK安装与配置 9
2.2.2 Tomcat5.0服务器安装与配置 10
2.2.3 Tomcat连接池连接SQL Server 2005 Express 10
2.2.4在Eclipse中用JDBC连接SQL Server 2005 11
2.3 可行性分析 12
3 系统需求分析 14
3.1 系统要求概述 14
3.2 系统基本要求 14
3.3 系统功能模块论述 15
3.3.1 系统登录模块 15
3.3.2 注册模块 16
3.3.3 用户模块 16
3.3.4 管理员模块 17
4 系统总体设计 18
4.1 系统详细流程设计 18
4.1.1 登录流程 18
4.1.2 用户流程 19
4.1.3 管理员流程 20
4.2 数据流程设计 26
4.3 业务流程设计 28
5 系统详细设计与功能实现 29
5.1 数据库的设计 29
5.1.1 数据库约束 29
5.1.2 数据库的实现 29
5.1.3 配置SQL Server 2005 31
5.2 系统界面的实现 32
5.2.1 登录页面 32
5.2.2 用户界面 32
5.2.3 管理员界面 37
5.3 功能实现设计 42
5.3.1 系统登录功能的实现 42
5.3.2 留言板功能的实现 45
5.3.3 注册功能的实现 46
5.3.4 用户功能的实现 46
5.3.5 管理员功能的实现 48
6 系统测试 52
6.1 测试目的 52
6.2 测试方法 53
6.3 测试过程 55
6.3.1 登录模块的测试 55
6.3.2 添加试题模块的测试 55
6.3.3 生成试题模块的测试 55
6.3.4 删除用户模块的测试 55
6.3.5 浏览器刷新按钮的测试 56
7 总结和展望 57
致谢 58
参考文献 59