基于web的自行车租赁管理系统设计与实现,基于web的自行车租赁管理系统设计与实现摘 要互联网发展速度迅猛,电子商务成为21世纪商务发展道路上发展的一大热点。随着宽带网络的普及以及网络互联网络应用方式的发展,电子商务正以前所未有的速度对传统商务方式以理论造成冲击,并对以往传统商务方式占主导的领域进行渗透。该基于web自行车租赁系统架构是基于asp和sql se...

此文档由会员 dxh2012 发布基于WEB的自行车租赁管理系统设计与实现
摘 要
该基于WEB自行车租赁系统架构是基于ASP和SQL Server 2000数据库,以IIS为Web服务器,采用了使用B/S结构,综合使用了VBscript、html和JavaScript语言编成的系统。本文论述了基于WEB自行车租赁系统的设计思想和设计过程。主要包括系统前台显示,分为数据浏览,自行车预订,客户相关的一些租赁信息查看。系统的后台操作,分为用户管理,系统管理。
With the rapid devdlopment of Internet,the E-business has become a hot in business development road in 21th century.With the popularity of broadband Internet network and application forms of development, electronic commerce is at an unprecedented speed of traditional business approach to the theory of an impact, and traditional business methods-dominated areas of infiltration.
The system is based on ASP to configure bicycle lease system based on WEB with the database of MS SQL Server2000, with IIS for Web server and have adopted structure of B/S, synthesize the system that has used VBscript, html and JavaScript language volume. This paper has discussed design thought and the design course based on WEB bicycle lease system. This paper include mainly systematic proscenium show that divide into data to glance over, booked bicycle management , look over tenancy information that customer are related to rent. The systematic operation of backstage supporter divides into user management, system management.
Key words: Lease management systems, Databases, ASP ,IIS