

三维仿真技术在车间布局设计中的应用研究,摘 要针对车间的布局设计和改造所存在的问题,本文利用三维仿真技术,从应用层角度出发,开发一种简单,有效的车间布局系统。该系统实现了制造车间布局的计算机仿真,可以捕捉和分析资源之间的动态影响,并对车间的生产过程进行动态仿真,得到各个方案的性能指标,帮助设计人员确定车间的最佳设计方案。本系统作为车间布局设计的工具,不仅能提...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


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摘  要
In this paper, summary to the question that the layout design and reconstruction of the manufacturing shop exist, we develop one simple, effective manufacturing shop layout system with three-dimensional emulation technology. By the computer emulation of the layout system, we can catch and analyze dynamic influence of resource, and receive each performance index of scheme. Furthermore, this system can help the designer to confirm the best plan of design of the manufacturing shop layout. A design tool as the system is, it can not merely improve designing quality, can also improve the efficiency of designing, and fully reflect the designer's creative thinking . As a visual three-dimensional emulation system, the system can not only have the characteristic of extension, but also can apply to and make manufacturing shop layout design and old manufacturing shop’s reconstruction generally.
What this paper finished mainly work as follows: Pro/E is regarded as the modeling tool to build the three-dimensional model for the workshop and machine tools. the parameter information storehouse of the machine is developed, many parameters included: the machine overall dimension, the name , the type, the serial number, the appearance picture , the processing process, Processing parameter ( cutting speed, depth of cut, the feed), man-hour for machine tooling.  manufacturing shop layout scene is constructed with OpenGL, the three dimensional model is driven by the database, and the dynamic emulation of the production process of the part is realized.  OpenGL is regarded as the figure driver of ground floor, in the light of VC ++ as the developing platform, the interactive environment for browsing can be established by eva luation of the schemes respectively, designer can choose the best scheme finally. the workshop roam is realized, and the operation of the manufacturing shop is also observed.
Key words: 3D simulation;layout of manufacturing shop;Database;OpenGL.
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 计算机仿真 1
1.2 计算机仿真在车间设计中的研究 1
1.3 车间布局研究现状 3
1.4 课题的来源及研究的主要内容 4
本章小结 6
第二章 车间布局理论 7
2.1 车间布局设计的主要内容 7
2.2 车间布局设计 8
2.3 车间布局的工艺分析 12
本章小结 16
第三章 车间布局数据库建立 17
3.1 车间布局数据库的建立 17
3.2  数据驱动 19
3.3 仿真数据库 19
3.4 车间设备参数数据库的数据管理的实现 20
本章小结 21
第四章 OPENGL技术 22
4.1 OPENGL概念 22
4.2基本几何图元的定义 24
4.3 坐标变换 24
4.4 显示列表 25
4.5 OPENGL在三维可视化设计中的应用 26
本章小结 26
第五章 车间布局系统的开发 28
5.1 课题调研与结论 28
5.2 车间布局系统的模块的定义 29
5.3 车间布局系统的开发平台 30
本章小结 33
第六章 车间布局场景的实现 34
6.1 车间设备布置的具体方法 34
6.2 三维模型的建立 35
6.3 车间设备模型的数据转换 37
6.4 接口程序设计 39
6.5 车间场景的生成 43
6.6 车间生产过程的仿真动画生成 45
本章小结 47
第七章 车间布局方案的评价 48
7.1 物流概述 48
7.2 机床负荷率及周期时间 51
7.3 评价的软件实现 52
本章小结 55
第八章 车间布局系统的集成 56
8.1 车间布局系统的要求 56
8.2 基于C++的面向对象的仿真软件的设计 58
8.3 用户界面的定制 60
8.4 车间布局系统的应用和实例展示 61
本章小结 66
结论与展望 67
参考文献 68
攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 71
致  谢 72