基于粗糙集的煤炭企业风险投资项目评价,页数:64页字数:69889字 目录:前言1第一章绪论21.1课题的研究背景和意义21.1.1课题的研究背景21.1.2课题研究的意义31.2风险投资的国内外研究现状41.2.1国外研究现状41.2.2国内研究现状81.2.3煤炭企业风险投资研究现状91.3课题研究的技术线路91.4本文的创新点10第二章风险投资理论概...


此文档由会员 torystiahan 发布
目录:前言 1
第一章绪论 2
1.1课题的研究背景和意义 2
1.1.1课题的研究背景 2
1.1.2课题研究的意义 3
1.2风险投资的国内外研究现状 4
1.2.1国外研究现状 4
1.2.2国内研究现状 8
1.2.3煤炭企业风险投资研究现状 9
1.3课题研究的技术线路 9
1.4本文的创新点 10
第二章风险投资理论概述 11
2.1风险投资的概念 11
2.2风险投资的兴起及发展历程回顾 11
2. 2. 1风险投资兴起和发展的原因 11
2.2.2风险投资发展历程回顾 12
2.3风险投资的特点 14
2.4风险投资的要素 15
2.5风险投资理论的拓展 16
第三章粗糙集理论及其应用 17
3.1粗糙集理论的研究历史和现状 17
3.1.1粗糙集理论应用研究的历史回顾 17
3.1.2粗糙集理论应用研究的现状 17
3.2粗糙集理论的应用的主要成果 18
3.3 粗糙集的基本概念与符号 18
3.3.1知识与知识库 19
3.3.2不精确范畴、近似与粗糙集 19
3.3.3知识约简与核 20
3.3.4知识表达系统 21
3.3.5决策表 21
3.4粗糙集模型的建立 22
第四章基于ROUGH-SET的煤炭企业风险投资关键成功因素的确定 24
4.1关键成功因素理论 24
4.2影响风险投资因素分析 24
4.2.1项目供给因素分析 24
4.2.2法规政策因素分析 25
4.2.3宏观经济因素因素分析 26
4.2.4社会服务因素分析 27
4.3影响风险投资因素集的建立 31
4.4运用粗糙集对现实案例进行指标抽取 33
4.4.1建立原始数据集合 34
4.4.2运用粗糙集理论对原始数据进行知识约简和规则提取 39
4.4.3“核”与规则分析 53
第五章煤炭企业的对策研究 55
5.1煤炭企业如何应加强自身风险项目的供给 55
5.2煤炭企业如何提高创新主体动力 56
5.3煤炭企业提高企业人力资源水平 56
结语 58
2 林淑玲.企业筹资方式的比较与选择.辽宁税务高等专科学校学报[J], 2006.12:59-60
3 马英.现阶段我国企业筹资方式调查报告.合作经济与科技[J],2007.1:30-31
4 Bygrave W D,Timmons J A.Venture capital of the crossroad[M]. Harvard Business School Press,1992:P8-20
5 Friedman.M.A. Monetary History of the United States[M] .Princeton University Press,1982
6 Bernard S.Black,Ronald J.Gilson.Venture capital and the structure of capital markets:Banks versus stock markets[J].Journal of financial Economics,1998,47(3):243-278
7 Willian D Bygrave,effry A Timmons.Venture Capital at the Crossroads[R]. Harvard Business School Working Paper,1992
8 Grinblatt M,Hwang C Y.Signalling and the pricing of new issues[J] .Journal of Finance,1989,44:393-420
9 Jeffrey J Trester.Venture capital contracting under asynunetric information [J].Journal of Banking Finance,1998.22:675-699.
10 Paul A.Gompers.Optimal investment:monitoring and the staging of venture capital [J].Journal of Finance,1995,50:1461-1490
11 Bruno A V,Tyebjee.T.T.The Environment Entrepreneurship in Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship prentice hall [M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ,1982:288
12 Samuel,Kortum,J.Lener.Does Venture Capital Spur Innovation[J].Rand Journal of Economics,2000,(31):674-692
13 Allen N.Berger,Gregory F,Udell.The economics of small business finance:The roles of private equity and debt markets in the financial grow cycle [J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1998
14 马庆国.国内外高技术风险投资业发展的对比分析[J].中国软科学,1999 (4)
15 成思危.积极稳妥地推进我国风险投资事业[J].管理世界,1999.2
16 吕炜.风险投资的经济学考察[M].经济科学出版社,2001:43~44
17 王益,许小松.风险资本市场理论与实践[M].中国经济出版社,2000:12、15~16
18 陈德棉,蔡莉.风险投资:国际比较与经验借鉴.经济科学出版社[M].2003:22
19 俞自由,李松涛,赵荣信.风险投资理论与实践[M].上海财经大学出版社,2001:20
20 荆林波.2003年美国风险投资的发展状况[J] .中国创业投资与高科技,2004. 2
21 张焱,吴畏.中国风险投资业的现状分析与发展建议[J].科技进步与对策,2000.10
22 王丽红.2004年中国创投全面复苏[J].中国创业投资与高科技,2005.2
23 黄江南.风险投资与投资银行实务[M].广东人民出版社,2001.4:3-7
24 Z.Pawlak.Rough Sets[J].International Journal of Computer Information Science,1982,11(5):341-356
25 Z.Pawlak.Rough classification[J].International Journal of Man-Machine Studies,1984,20:469-483
26 Z.Pawlak.Rough Sets:Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Data. Dordrecht[M].Kluwer Academic Publisher,1991
27 Z.Pawlak,et.al..Rough Sets[J].Communications of the ACM,1995,38(11): 89-95
28 R.Slowinski(Ed.).Intelligent Decision Support:Handbook of Applications and Advances of Rough Set Theory[M].Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic,1992
29 L.Polkowski and A.Skowron (Eds).Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery 1: Methodology and Applications[M].Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag,1998
30 L.Polkowski and A. Skowron (Eds).Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery 2: Applications,Case Studies and Software Systems[M].Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag, 1998
31 L.Polkowski,T.Y Lin and S.Tsumoto(Eds).Rough Sets Methods and Application: New Developments in Knowledge Discovery in Information Systems[M].Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag,2000
32 Z.Bonikowski.Algebraic structures of rough sets.In:Ziarko W.(Ed.),Rough Sets,Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery.Springer-Verlag,1994:242-247
33 E.Bryniarski.Formal description of rough sets.In:Ziarko W.(Ed.),Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery,Springer-Verlag,1994:208-216
34 L.Polkowski.On convergence of rough sets.In:R.Slowinski (Ed.),Intelligent Decision Support:Handbook if Applications and Advances of Rough Sets Theory, Dordrecht:KluwerAcademic,1992:305-311
35 D.Y Li and Y C.Ma.Invariant characters of information systems under some homomorphism[J].Information Sciences,2000,129(1-4):211-220
36 N.Kuroki.Rough ideal in samigroups[J].Information Sciences,1997,100:139-163
37 T.Beaubouef,F.E.Petry and G. Arora. Information-theoretic measures of uncertainty for rough sets and rough relational databases[J].Information Sciences,1998,109 (1-4):185-195
38 L.Duntsch and G Gediga.Uncertainty measures of rough set prediction.[J].Artificial Intelligence,106:109-137
39 J.Y Liang,K.S.Chin,C.Y Dang. A new method for measuring uncertainty and fuzziness in rough set theory[J].International Journal of General Systems,2002,31(4):331-342
40 M.J.Wierman.Measuring uncertainty in rough set theory[J].International Journal of General Systems,1999,28 (4):283-297
41 J.Y.Liang, Z.Z.Shi.The information entropy,rough entropy and knowledge granulation in rough set theory[J].International Journal of Uncertainty,Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,2004,12(1):37-46
42 Y.Y.Yao.A comparative study of fuzzy sets and rough sets[J].Information Sciences,1998,109 (1-4):227-242
43 Y.Y.Yao,P.T.lingras.Interpretations of belief functions in the theory of rough sets[J].Information Sciences,1998,104 (1,2):81-106
44 A.Skowron.The rough sets theory and evidence theory[J].Fundamental Informaticae,1990,(11):245-262
45 Z.Pawlak.Rough set theory and its application to data analysis[J].Cybernetics and Systems,1998,29:661-668
46 S.K.Wong,W.Ziarko.On optimal decision rules in decision tables[J].Bulletin of Polish Academy of Sciences,1985,33:693-696
47 N.Shan,W.Ziarko.An incremental learning algorithm for construction decision rules.In:Ziarko W.(Ed.),Rough Sets,Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery,Springer-Verlag,1994:326-334
48 N.Shan,W.Ziarko. Data-based acquisition and incremental modification of classification rules[J].Computational Intelligence,1995,11 (2):357-369
49 X.Hu and N.Cercone.Learning in relational databases:A rough set approach[J].Computational Intelligence,1995,11(2):323-338
50 J.Jelonek et.al..Rough set reduction of attributes and their domains for neural networks[J].Computational Intelligence,1995,11(2):339-347
51 M.Muraszkieqicz,H. Rybinski.Towards a parallel rough sets computer.In: Ziarko W.(Ed.),Rough Sets,Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery,Springer-Verlag,1994:167-181
52 I.Duntsh.Alogic for rough sets[J].Theoretical Computer Science,1997,179 (1,2):427-436
53 刘清.Rough集及Rough推理[M].北京:科学出版社,2001
54 R.Golan and W.Ziarko.Methodology for stock market analysis utilizing rough set theory[J].Proceedings of IEEE/IAFE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering,New Jersey,1995:32-40
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目录:前言 1
第一章绪论 2
1.1课题的研究背景和意义 2
1.1.1课题的研究背景 2
1.1.2课题研究的意义 3
1.2风险投资的国内外研究现状 4
1.2.1国外研究现状 4
1.2.2国内研究现状 8
1.2.3煤炭企业风险投资研究现状 9
1.3课题研究的技术线路 9
1.4本文的创新点 10
第二章风险投资理论概述 11
2.1风险投资的概念 11
2.2风险投资的兴起及发展历程回顾 11
2. 2. 1风险投资兴起和发展的原因 11
2.2.2风险投资发展历程回顾 12
2.3风险投资的特点 14
2.4风险投资的要素 15
2.5风险投资理论的拓展 16
第三章粗糙集理论及其应用 17
3.1粗糙集理论的研究历史和现状 17
3.1.1粗糙集理论应用研究的历史回顾 17
3.1.2粗糙集理论应用研究的现状 17
3.2粗糙集理论的应用的主要成果 18
3.3 粗糙集的基本概念与符号 18
3.3.1知识与知识库 19
3.3.2不精确范畴、近似与粗糙集 19
3.3.3知识约简与核 20
3.3.4知识表达系统 21
3.3.5决策表 21
3.4粗糙集模型的建立 22
第四章基于ROUGH-SET的煤炭企业风险投资关键成功因素的确定 24
4.1关键成功因素理论 24
4.2影响风险投资因素分析 24
4.2.1项目供给因素分析 24
4.2.2法规政策因素分析 25
4.2.3宏观经济因素因素分析 26
4.2.4社会服务因素分析 27
4.3影响风险投资因素集的建立 31
4.4运用粗糙集对现实案例进行指标抽取 33
4.4.1建立原始数据集合 34
4.4.2运用粗糙集理论对原始数据进行知识约简和规则提取 39
4.4.3“核”与规则分析 53
第五章煤炭企业的对策研究 55
5.1煤炭企业如何应加强自身风险项目的供给 55
5.2煤炭企业如何提高创新主体动力 56
5.3煤炭企业提高企业人力资源水平 56
结语 58
2 林淑玲.企业筹资方式的比较与选择.辽宁税务高等专科学校学报[J], 2006.12:59-60
3 马英.现阶段我国企业筹资方式调查报告.合作经济与科技[J],2007.1:30-31
4 Bygrave W D,Timmons J A.Venture capital of the crossroad[M]. Harvard Business School Press,1992:P8-20
5 Friedman.M.A. Monetary History of the United States[M] .Princeton University Press,1982
6 Bernard S.Black,Ronald J.Gilson.Venture capital and the structure of capital markets:Banks versus stock markets[J].Journal of financial Economics,1998,47(3):243-278
7 Willian D Bygrave,effry A Timmons.Venture Capital at the Crossroads[R]. Harvard Business School Working Paper,1992
8 Grinblatt M,Hwang C Y.Signalling and the pricing of new issues[J] .Journal of Finance,1989,44:393-420
9 Jeffrey J Trester.Venture capital contracting under asynunetric information [J].Journal of Banking Finance,1998.22:675-699.
10 Paul A.Gompers.Optimal investment:monitoring and the staging of venture capital [J].Journal of Finance,1995,50:1461-1490
11 Bruno A V,Tyebjee.T.T.The Environment Entrepreneurship in Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship prentice hall [M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ,1982:288
12 Samuel,Kortum,J.Lener.Does Venture Capital Spur Innovation[J].Rand Journal of Economics,2000,(31):674-692
13 Allen N.Berger,Gregory F,Udell.The economics of small business finance:The roles of private equity and debt markets in the financial grow cycle [J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1998
14 马庆国.国内外高技术风险投资业发展的对比分析[J].中国软科学,1999 (4)
15 成思危.积极稳妥地推进我国风险投资事业[J].管理世界,1999.2
16 吕炜.风险投资的经济学考察[M].经济科学出版社,2001:43~44
17 王益,许小松.风险资本市场理论与实践[M].中国经济出版社,2000:12、15~16
18 陈德棉,蔡莉.风险投资:国际比较与经验借鉴.经济科学出版社[M].2003:22
19 俞自由,李松涛,赵荣信.风险投资理论与实践[M].上海财经大学出版社,2001:20
20 荆林波.2003年美国风险投资的发展状况[J] .中国创业投资与高科技,2004. 2
21 张焱,吴畏.中国风险投资业的现状分析与发展建议[J].科技进步与对策,2000.10
22 王丽红.2004年中国创投全面复苏[J].中国创业投资与高科技,2005.2
23 黄江南.风险投资与投资银行实务[M].广东人民出版社,2001.4:3-7
24 Z.Pawlak.Rough Sets[J].International Journal of Computer Information Science,1982,11(5):341-356
25 Z.Pawlak.Rough classification[J].International Journal of Man-Machine Studies,1984,20:469-483
26 Z.Pawlak.Rough Sets:Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Data. Dordrecht[M].Kluwer Academic Publisher,1991
27 Z.Pawlak,et.al..Rough Sets[J].Communications of the ACM,1995,38(11): 89-95
28 R.Slowinski(Ed.).Intelligent Decision Support:Handbook of Applications and Advances of Rough Set Theory[M].Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic,1992
29 L.Polkowski and A.Skowron (Eds).Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery 1: Methodology and Applications[M].Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag,1998
30 L.Polkowski and A. Skowron (Eds).Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery 2: Applications,Case Studies and Software Systems[M].Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag, 1998
31 L.Polkowski,T.Y Lin and S.Tsumoto(Eds).Rough Sets Methods and Application: New Developments in Knowledge Discovery in Information Systems[M].Heidelberg:Physica-Verlag,2000
32 Z.Bonikowski.Algebraic structures of rough sets.In:Ziarko W.(Ed.),Rough Sets,Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery.Springer-Verlag,1994:242-247
33 E.Bryniarski.Formal description of rough sets.In:Ziarko W.(Ed.),Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery,Springer-Verlag,1994:208-216
34 L.Polkowski.On convergence of rough sets.In:R.Slowinski (Ed.),Intelligent Decision Support:Handbook if Applications and Advances of Rough Sets Theory, Dordrecht:KluwerAcademic,1992:305-311
35 D.Y Li and Y C.Ma.Invariant characters of information systems under some homomorphism[J].Information Sciences,2000,129(1-4):211-220
36 N.Kuroki.Rough ideal in samigroups[J].Information Sciences,1997,100:139-163
37 T.Beaubouef,F.E.Petry and G. Arora. Information-theoretic measures of uncertainty for rough sets and rough relational databases[J].Information Sciences,1998,109 (1-4):185-195
38 L.Duntsch and G Gediga.Uncertainty measures of rough set prediction.[J].Artificial Intelligence,106:109-137
39 J.Y Liang,K.S.Chin,C.Y Dang. A new method for measuring uncertainty and fuzziness in rough set theory[J].International Journal of General Systems,2002,31(4):331-342
40 M.J.Wierman.Measuring uncertainty in rough set theory[J].International Journal of General Systems,1999,28 (4):283-297
41 J.Y.Liang, Z.Z.Shi.The information entropy,rough entropy and knowledge granulation in rough set theory[J].International Journal of Uncertainty,Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,2004,12(1):37-46
42 Y.Y.Yao.A comparative study of fuzzy sets and rough sets[J].Information Sciences,1998,109 (1-4):227-242
43 Y.Y.Yao,P.T.lingras.Interpretations of belief functions in the theory of rough sets[J].Information Sciences,1998,104 (1,2):81-106
44 A.Skowron.The rough sets theory and evidence theory[J].Fundamental Informaticae,1990,(11):245-262
45 Z.Pawlak.Rough set theory and its application to data analysis[J].Cybernetics and Systems,1998,29:661-668
46 S.K.Wong,W.Ziarko.On optimal decision rules in decision tables[J].Bulletin of Polish Academy of Sciences,1985,33:693-696
47 N.Shan,W.Ziarko.An incremental learning algorithm for construction decision rules.In:Ziarko W.(Ed.),Rough Sets,Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery,Springer-Verlag,1994:326-334
48 N.Shan,W.Ziarko. Data-based acquisition and incremental modification of classification rules[J].Computational Intelligence,1995,11 (2):357-369
49 X.Hu and N.Cercone.Learning in relational databases:A rough set approach[J].Computational Intelligence,1995,11(2):323-338
50 J.Jelonek et.al..Rough set reduction of attributes and their domains for neural networks[J].Computational Intelligence,1995,11(2):339-347
51 M.Muraszkieqicz,H. Rybinski.Towards a parallel rough sets computer.In: Ziarko W.(Ed.),Rough Sets,Fuzzy Sets and Knowledge Discovery,Springer-Verlag,1994:167-181
52 I.Duntsh.Alogic for rough sets[J].Theoretical Computer Science,1997,179 (1,2):427-436
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