

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 antilogy 发布





一、引言 1
1.1 个人持币行为与中国居民现金需求 1
1.2 中国的流通中现金:一些基本事实 1
1.3与中国现金需求相关的分析及评价 3
二、货币需求理论综述 4
2.1  货币需求理论中的基本问题 4
2.2  货币进入效用函数的模型 5
2.3  交叠世代模型(OLG) 5
2.4  交易功能的模型 5
2.5  总结与比较 7
三、模型 7
3.1   模型的基本背景 7
3.2   家庭面临的约束条件 8
3.3   家庭的选择问题 9
3.4   政府问题 9
3.5  市场均衡条件与模型的解 9
3.6  对模型假设的进一步讨论 10
四、估计 11
4.1.变量选择 11
4.2.经济计量方程 12
4.3.数据 13
4.4.需求方程的识别与估计 13
五、结论 17
5.1.动态选择与现金需求的动态结构 17
5.2.现金需求中的规模变量与机会成本变量的组合 17
5.3.现金的交易流通速度与收入流通速度 18
附录一:部分重要的经济计量分析结果 18
附录二:数学模型附录 20
主要参考文献 24


On Cash Demand in China



Due to the special development of China's banking service, the narrow money held by  households consists mainly of cash in circulation. As a result, the cash demand is nearly synonymous to individual money demand. This paper analyzes individual money demand in the context of a dynamic general equilibrium version of Baumol-Tobin model. The model distinguishes itself in the following two aspects: first, it uses a dynamic optimization method; second, it introduces into model the monetization process, inventory choice, and adjustment costs of money demand. By deriving two different structural equations, the model gives a foundation for the cash demand function. One result of the model shows that, in the transaction-based structural equation, nominal interest rate functions as the opportunity cost variable, while for matching the income-based structural equation, the monetization index, nominal interest rate, and inflation should all enter the equation. Another result shows that, the dynamic structure is determined by the specific function form of bond-cash transaction cost and monetary adjustment costs. Due to the unknown nature of the two cost functions, empirically we should try to find dynamic structure from the data. Finally, by using the quarterly data we estimate the transactions-based error-correction model. The results show that the nominal interest rate has a significant effect on cash demand, while inflation rate has no significant effect. In addition, the comparison between the result of quarterly and monthly data shows that there are a consistent dynamic structure in two estimates, and the effects become more significant as time evolves.

KEYWORDS: dynamic decision, monetization,adjustment costs, structural form,error-correction model,instrumental variable estimation, the interest rate effect