

分类: 论文>法学论文


此文档由会员 baobee 发布



摘 要
关键词:刑事诉讼 检察机关 量刑建议 构建

Sentencing recommendation is the indictment of the right content and refinement, increase penalties for transparency, protection of the rights of the accused, the judge discretion to prevent the abuse and corruption in the judiciary are of positive significance. For this reason in foreign countries, whether civil law countries or the common law countries of the prosecution, sentencing recommendations generally have the right, in common law countries, the sentencing recommendations of the prosecution is indispensable for the implementation of plea bargaining as part of the system. From the proceedings in theory, the sentencing recommendations for achieving the right to control trial separation, and implementing the proceedings open, the efficiency of the proceedings is of great significance. But in China, although the legislation has the right to sentencing recommendations, but academics and practical for the prosecution whether the sentence should have the right to remain controversial proposals, some sure, some negative. In fact, the procuratorial organs of the sentencing recommendation is only a procedural powers, and not against the court's jurisdiction, China, it is necessary to establish a reasonable right to sentencing recommendations. Construction of China's sentencing recommendations in the right, under the existing problems, mainly from the sentencing recommendations by the time, manner and make sentencing recommendations to improve on the basis of, and properly solve the prosecution and sentencing recommendations to the jurisdiction of the relationship between.

Key words: Criminal Procedure Procuratorate Sentencing Recommendations Construction

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
前 言 1
第一章 量刑建议权的概念界定 2
一、量刑建议权的概念 2
二、量刑建议权相关要件的界定 2
(一)量刑建议权的主体 2
(二)量刑建议的对象 3
(三)量刑建议的内容 3
第二章 国外量刑建议权的比较与分析 4
一、大陆法系国家 4
(一)德国 4
(二)日本 5
二、英美法系国家 6
(一)美国 6
(二) 英国 7
三、比较与分析 7
第三章 量刑建议权的理论基础 9
一、量刑建议权与控审分离 9
二、量刑建议权与诉讼公开 9
三、量刑建议权与诉讼效率 10
第四章 我国量刑建议权的现状 11
一、立法及司法实践的现状 11
(一)我国有关检察机关量刑建议的立法规定 11

(二)司法实践的现状 12
二、我国学界对量刑建议权的探讨 12
(一)肯定量刑建议权的观点及其理由 12
(二)否定量刑建议权的观点及其理由 13
三、我国量刑建议权现状的分析 13
第五章 我国量刑建议权的程序构建 15
一、赋予检察机关量刑建议权的合理性 15
二、检察机关量刑建议权行使程序的具体构建 16
(一)提出建议的时间 16
(二)提出建议的方式 16
(三)提出建议的依据 17
(四)处理好建议权与审判权的关系 17
结 语 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21

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