

钢铁常温发黑工艺研究,这是本人大学毕业时的论文,均为本人原创,没有版权纠纷,欢迎下载摘 要随着科学技术的发展, 钢铁材料在国民经济的各个领域中的支柱作用越来越大, 但腐蚀问题一直困扰着钢铁材料的发展。据统计, 世界上每年因腐蚀而不能使用的金属制品的重量相当于其年产量的三分之一。而钢铁常温发黑是一种常用的钢铁防腐蚀技术,因此探索一种有意义的无...
分类: 论文>生物/化学论文


此文档由会员 bike204 发布


摘 要

随着科学技术的发展, 钢铁材料在国民经济的各个领域中的支柱作用越来越大, 但腐蚀问题一直困扰着钢铁材料的发展。据统计, 世界上每年因腐蚀而不能使用的金属制品的重量相当于其年产量的三分之一。而钢铁常温发黑是一种常用的钢铁防腐蚀技术,因此探索一种有意义的无毒的钢铁发黑技术势在必行。










With the development of science and technology, iron and steel materials in all fields of national economy and the increasing role of the pillars, but the corrosion problem has plagued the development of steel materials. According to statistics, every year the world can not be used due to corrosion of metal products, one-third of the weight equivalent to its annual production. The black steel is a common room temperature corrosion of iron and steel technology, to explore a meaningful non-toxic black steel technology is imperative.
This traditional steel blackening agent for toxicity, poor stability, complex process, and the black film quality, consumption of many other issues. Black iron salt and oxidizing agent from the main stabilizer, complexing agent, surface wetting agent and accelerator components, through the composition of the steel blackening agent, concentration, temperature and amount of various components of the PH value and the black time Experimental analysis.
   The results show that: the effect of factors on the formulation of black descending order: sulfate> zinc dihydrogen phosphate> citrate> nickel sulfate. Blackening and further the best formula is: copper sulfate 3.5g / l, zinc dihydrogen phosphate, 13g / l, citric acid 2g / l, nickel sulphate 2g / l, ammonium 1.5g / l, PH value 2.5, at room temperature (20 ℃ or so), black suitable time for 7.5min.
   In the optimized formula, the experimental surface of the deep-drawn black uniform and dense black, no spots, black film proved by the bit of copper sulfate corrosion resistance, the cotton ball after the friction that has reliable black film Adhesion; this experiment room temperature blackening of the factors that affect the iron and steel provides a reliable research methods.

Key words: low temperature oxidation, optimization, non-toxic








摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1  钢铁防腐蚀概况 1
1.1.1  钢铁的腐蚀现象以及其危害 1
1.1.2 我国钢铁腐蚀情况 1
1.2 钢铁防腐蚀的基本方法 2
1.2.1 提高钢铁的耐腐蚀性能 3
1.2.2 电化学保护法 3
1.2.3 改善腐蚀环境 4
1.3 金属表面处理 4
1.3.1 非金属涂层 4
1.3.2 金属覆盖层 5
1.3.3 钢铁表面的化学转化膜 5
1.4 钢铁常温发黑工艺 6
1..4.1 钢铁常温发黑液的组成 6
1.4.2 常温硒化物体系发黑 7
1.4.3 常温无硒发黑 9
1.5 本文研究的意义 12
2 实验部分 13
2.1 实验药品及设备 13
2.1.1 实验基体材料 13
2.1.2 实验仪器与设备 13
2.1.3 实验药品 13
2.2 实验的操作步骤和工艺条件 14
2.2.1 工艺流程 15
2.3  发黑膜层性能的测试 15
3 结果与分析 17
3.1 配方的初选结果与分析 17
3.1.1 氧化剂的选择 17
3.1.2 稳定剂的选择 17
3.1.3 络合剂的选择 18
3.1.4  加速剂的选择 19
3.1.5 表面润湿剂的选择 19
3.2 单因子试验的结果与分析 20
3.2.1 硫酸铜浓度对发黑膜层的影响 20
3.2.2 磷酸二氢锌对发黑膜层性能的影响 22
3.2.3 柠檬酸对发黑膜层性能的影响 24
3.2.4 硫酸镍对发黑膜层性能的影响 25
3.2.5 PH值对发黑膜性能的影响 27
3.2.6 发黑时间对发黑膜层性能的影响 29
3.3 正交优化实验结果与分析 29
3.3.1 发黑液配方的优化 30
3.3.2 配方正交优化实验结果 30
4 结论 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34
附录A: 英文文献原文 35
翻译 39