商业企业的物流外包研究,摘 要物流管理在企业管理中的地位越来越重要,这项工作的好坏直接影响到了企业形象建设,特别是对于商业企业,物流成本管理已经到了至关重要的地步。在我国物流业还不算发达的今天,提高企业的物流管理水平已经成为商业企业发展的一项重要课题。近些年来关于物流管理的理论研究以及操作模式研究也越来越多,已经有了长足...

此文档由会员 feifei971933 发布商业企业的物流外包研究
摘 要
关键词: 物流模式 物流管理 外包 商业企业
Abstract : Logistics management plays a more and more important role in enterprise management, for it can directly affect enterprise image. Especially for commercial enterprises, logistics cost management is vital. Nowadays, the fact that logistics is not fully developed makes it an important project to enhance the logistics managenment of commercial enterprise. Therefore, people have made more study about logistics management in theory as well as in practical operation mode, resulting in its full development. The thesis consists of the the following content: research status and development tendency in logistics theory at home and abroad, development situation and its future tendency in logistics mode, logistics management mode analysis and choice critearia for commercial enterprises, application study of electronic commerce and instance analysis, logistics outsourcing theory and its application study, and effective methods of logistics management for commercial enterprises. Through comparative study and instances analysis, conclusions can be drawed that new creative ideas about logistic management will emerge one after another in future, while various logistics modes have their advantages and different hazards. Therefore, in order to decide its logistics mode, it is necessary for enterprises to work out a set of decision procedure of feasibility and eva luation criteria based on actual status, which the enterprises should decide flexibly,thus causing an efficient selection goal.Otherwise, a random choice at will will result in serious unexpected consequences.
By comparing the advantages and shortcomings of various logistics management and analysing instances, the thesis presents the practical application of different logistics modes, and puts forward the future application principles.
Key words: logistics mode , logistics management, outsourcing, commercial enterprise
目 录
目 录 iv
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1物流管理的重要性 1
1.2国内物流理论研究概况 1
1.2.1改革开放初期的物流学研究 1
1.2.2深化改革时期的物流学研究 1
1.2.3近期物流理论研究概况 1
第二章 商业企业物流模式选择分析 4
2.1商业物流模式的类型 4
2.1.1自营配送模式 4
2.1.2外包物流模式 4
2.1.3共同化配送模式 5
2.1.4供应商配送模式 5
2.2商业企业选择物流模式的依据 5
2.2.1从定性方面分析 6
2.2.2从定量的角度分析 7
第三章 物流外包管理理论 8
3.1物流外包定义 8
3.2物流外包的作用 9
3.3物流外包观点的演进 10
3.4物流外包的风险 10
3.4.1 由于不可控因素产生的风险 11
3.4.2对于外包商以及自身认识不足带来的风险 12
3.5物流外包合作伙伴绩效评价 12
3.6企业物流外包的决策方法 13
3.6.1传统物流外包决策方法 14
3.6.2 现代决策标准 15
3.7 物流外包决策的标准 17
3.7.1 物流外包是否符合企业发展战略 17
3.7.2 物流外包是否影响企业核心竞争力 18
3.7.3 物流外包是否能够提高物流经济效益 19
第四章 外包合作伙伴的选择过程 20
4.1外包伙伴的评价与选择 20
4.1.1成本比较选择 20
4.1.2运送质量比较选择 20
4.2外包活动的控制 21
4.3外包活动的调整 21
第五章 实例分析 22
5.1公司基本状况 22
5.2公司物流状况 23
5.3物流外包决策的应用 23
5.3.1基本情况 23
5.3.2自营物流以及外包的对比分析 23
5.3.3决策过程 24
5.3.4最终决策 29
5.4保障措施 29
5.4.1进货 29
5.4.2内部物流 32
5.4.3自营销售送货规定 34
5.4.4对于第三方物流的质量监控 35
结 论 36
参考文献 37
发表论文和参加科研情况说明 39
致 谢 40
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