笔记本外壳镁合金冲压件模具设计[外文翻译],作者:heng-kuang tsaia, chien-chin liaoa and fuh-kuo chen台湾台北国立台湾大学机械工程学院摘要在本研究中,用冲压工艺在室温下制造笔记本电脑顶盖并运用实验法和有限元分析法等方法分析镁锂合金板材顶盖的受力情况。其中包括四种工艺过程,...

此文档由会员 wwwwe 发布笔记本外壳镁合金冲压件模具设计[外文翻译]
作者:Heng-Kuang Tsaia, Chien-Chin Liaoa and Fuh-Kuo Chen
笔记本; LZ91镁锂合金板材料; 多工位级进模冲压工艺; 冲压成形
1 :导言
2 : 镁合金板材的机械性能
3 : 有限元模型分析
4 :多工位级进模冲压工艺
4.1 :二工位级进模冲压工艺
4.2 :四工位级进模冲压工艺
5 :实验验证
6 :结束语
Die design for stamping a notebook case with magnesium alloy sheets
Heng-Kuang Tsaia, Chien-Chin Liaoa and Fuh-Kuo Chen , a,
aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Available online 8 December 2007.
In the present study, the stamping process for manufacturing a notebook top cover case with LZ91 magnesium–lithium alloy sheet at room temperature was examined using both the experimental approach and the finite element analysis. A four-operation stamping process was developed to eliminate both the fracture and wrinkle defects occurred in the stamping process of the top cover case. In order to validate the finite element analysis, an actual four-operation stamping process was conducted with the use of 0.6 mm thick LZ91 sheet as the blank. A good agreement in the thickness distribution at various locations between the experimental data and the finite element results confirmed the accuracy and efficiency of the finite element analysis. The superior formability of LZ91 sheet at room temperature was also demonstrated in the present study by successful manufacturing of the notebook top cover case. The proposed four-operation process lends itself to an efficient approach to form the hinge in the notebook with less number of operational procedures than that required in the current practice. It also confirms that the notebook cover cases can be produced with LZ91 magnesium alloy sheet by the stamping process. It provides an alternative to the electronics industry in the application of magnesium alloys.
Keywords: Notebook case; LZ91 magnesium–lithium alloy sheet; Multi-operation stamping ; Formability
Article Outline
1. Introduction
2. Mechanical properties of magnesium alloy sheets
3. The finite element model
4. Multi-operation stamping process design
4.1. Two-operation stamping process
4.2. Four-operation stamping process
5. Experimental validation
6. Concluding remarks