
原文档由会员 wwwwe 发布我国自动化现状与趋势[外文翻译]
以工业pc为基础的低成本工业控制自动化将成为主流 。众所周知,从20世纪60年代开始,西方国家就依靠技术进步(即新设备、新工艺以及计算机应用)开始对传统工业进行改造,使工业得到飞速发展。20世纪末世界上最大的变化就是全球市场的形成。全球市场导致竞争空前激烈,促使企业必须加快新产品投放市场时间(time to market)、改善质量(quality)、降低成本(cost)以及完善服务体系(service),这就是企业的t.q.c.s.。虽然计算机集成制造系统(cims)结合信息集成和系统集成,追求更完善的t.q.c.s.,使企业实现“在正确的时间,将正确的信息以正确的方式传给正确的人,以便作出正确的决策”,即“五个正确”。然而这种自动化需要投入大量的资金,是一种高投资、高效益同时是高风险的发展模式,很难为大多数中小企业所采用。在我国,中小型企业以及准大型企业走的还是低成本工业控制自动化的道路。
Status and trends of our automation
Introduction disciplines through lectures, let me scope for automation industry and its technological applications has some understanding. Through the medium of the relevant information and after-school enquiries, I have the professional involved in the technology industry have gained more knowledge. Industrial automation technology is the intelligent control, networking and integrated direction.
Automation technology is an application of control theory, instrumentation, computer and other information technology for industrial production processes to detect, control, optimization, control, management and decision-making, to increase production, improve quality, reduce consumption, to ensure security purposes integrated technology, including industrial automation software, hardware and systems three most.
Automation technology as a field of the 20th century modern manufacturing one of the most important technologies, the main settlement production efficiency and consistency. Although the automated system itself does not directly create benefits, but it is obvious to enterprise production process.
Industrial automation control our development path, mostly in the introduction of complete sets of equipment simultaneously absorption, and then proceed to the second development and application. At present, China's industrial control automation technology, industry and applications have seen the development of our industrial computer systems industry has been formed. Industrial automation technology is the intelligent control, networking and integrated direction.
To industrial pc-based low-cost industrial control automation will become mainstream. As is well known, from the 1960s, Western countries will depend on technological advances (that is, new equipment, new techniques and computer applications) began to transform traditional industries and the rapid development of the industry. At the end of the 20th century, the world's largest change is a global market. Global market led to an unprecedented intense competition, enterprises must accelerate new products to market more time (time to market), improved quality (quality), lower cost (cost) and perfect service system (service), which is a t.q.c.s enterprise. While computer integrated manufacturing systems (cims) integration of information integration and system integration, the pursuit of better t.q.c.s.That enables businesses to achieve "at the right time, the right message to the correct way to the right people to make the right decision," that is, "five correct." However, this automation will require substantial financial 。。。