

圆通公司提高客户忠诚度的探析[任务书+文献综述+开题报告+毕业论文],摘 要客户忠诚就是客户比其竞争者更偏爱某一种产品或服务的心理状态或态度,或是“对某中品牌有一种长久的忠心。”客户忠诚实际上就是客户行为的持续反应。忠诚的客户能够降低企业的客户流失率,进而降低客户维系成本。现代企业把不断提高客户忠诚度和扩大忠诚客户数量作为市场营销的重要目标。因此研究客户忠诚的形成,客户忠诚的意义,以及客...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 道破天机 发布

摘  要





Customer Customer loyalty is a state of mind or attitude that the customer more like a product or service than its competitors , or " having a long-term loyalty in a particular brand." Customer loyalty in fact is the sustained response to customer behavior. Loyal customers can reduce customer churn rate, then reduce the cost of customer retention. Modern enterprises regard improving customer loyalty and expanding the number of loyal customers as an important goal of marketing. Therefore, the formation of customer loyalty, the meaning of customer loyalty and increasing customer loyalty has some significance.
I take Jiaxing YuanTong Express company in Jiaxing College, for example, analysis of the status of loyalty, find out the main problem. On this basis, discussing and finding the corresponding measures, improve the customer loyalty comprehensively. Extending to the entire company, find some suggestions and solutions to,a number of issues for Yuantong express.
This article focuses on the combination of theory and practice, base on customer loyalty theory, have an in-depth market  investigation against the problems of Jiaxing College, combine with the theory  of customer loyalty, have integrated analysis from teachers, price, promotion, service and other aspects, obtained by the reasons for the phenomenon, and then dialysis nature. Put forward constructive suggestions and development ideas in maintaining customer loyalty by the business process

Keywords: Customer loyalty;measures ;Yuantong Express;Suggestions



目  录
一、引言 1
二、 相关概念及研究 1
(一)忠诚及客户忠诚的概念 2
(二)客户满意与客户忠诚的相关概念 2
(三)客户忠诚度的意义。 4
三、圆通速递嘉兴公司经营及客户忠诚现状 5
(一)圆通速递背景介绍及经营现况 5
(二)圆通速递嘉兴公司嘉兴学院承包点的背景及经营现状 6
四、圆通速递嘉兴公司在维护客户忠诚存在的问题及分析 8
(一)嘉兴学院消费者消费状况调查 8
(二)存在问题 9
(三)原因分析 10
五、圆通速递嘉兴公司在维护客户忠诚的对策建议 11
六、结语 12
致   谢 13
参考文献 14