某公司的品牌建设对策研究[任务书+文献综述+开题报告+毕业论文],摘 要我国在2010年超过日本成为全球第二大经济体,这离不开我国企业的突飞猛进的发展,而中小企业在快速发展的经济大潮中扮演着越来越重要的角色。然而,目前中国中小企业的品牌影响力普遍较弱,中小企业的品牌意识依旧不强,或者即使有品牌意识,但基本上都对品牌理解不...

此文档由会员 道破天机 发布某公司的品牌建设对策研究[任务书+文献综述+开题报告+毕业论文]
摘 要
本文首先对品牌及品牌建设的含义进行简要介绍,并简要介绍了当今品牌建设的一些理论和方法;其次在简述了浙江善银节能科技有限公司(Zhejiang Saving Energy-saving Technology CO.LTD)品牌建设背景的情况下,得出品牌建设的迫切性,并对浙江善银节能科技有限公司品牌建设的现状和存在的问题进行了分析;最后针对浙江善银节能科技有限公司品牌建设所面临的具体问题,给出了几条今后浙江善银节能科技有限公司品牌建设的对策。
China has been the second largest economy country over Japan in the year of 2010, and it is inseparable from the rapid development of China’s enterprises, and the SMEs play more important role in the rapid developing economic tide. However, the influence of Chinese SMEs’ brand is generally weak at present. The awareness of SMEs’ brand id still weak, or there is brand exist, but can not understand brand exactly, and there are many problems in brand building. Some SMEs take it for granted that brand building is the business of large company, and SMEs do no matter whether they build brand or not, it is enough for them owning the market. So, it is necessary for SMEs to build a brand on earth? How to do in the brand building for SMEs?
This article first make a brief introduction of brand and the brand building, and introduce some theories and methods of brand building; then, make a conclusion of brand building’s urgency based on the analysis of brand building’s back-ground. And make an analysis of the current situation and problems of Zhejiang Saving Energy-saving Technology CO.LTD. Finally, we give several advice based on the problems of Zhejiang Saving Energy-saving Technology CO.LTD.
Keywords: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME); Brand; Brand building.
目 录
一、 引言 1
二、 品牌及品牌建设基本理论概述 1
(一) 品牌的定义及重要性 1
(二) 品牌建设的定义 2
(三) 品牌建设的相关理论 2
三、xx公司品牌建设的现状及问题 4
(一) 中小企业品牌建设背景 4
(二) xx有限公司简介 5
(三) xx公司品牌建设的现状及问题 6
四、 xx公司品牌建设的对策 8
(一) 强烈的品牌意识 8
(二) 明确的品牌定位 8
(三) 优质的产品和完善的服务 9
(四) 持之以恒的品牌战略 9
五、 结语 9
致 谢 10
参考文献 11
附录一: 13