
此文档由会员 20023286 发布摘要:
Analysis on human resources management
Of China's insurance companies
Abstract:As an important strategic resource of enterprise, human resources has gone beyond the physical capital and monetary capital. Human resources become the most important source of wealth creation. Human resources are the most active elements of production, the most dynamic factor for insurance companies.To build a large-scale, reasonable structure, high-quality professionals, give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, improving human resources management system has become the focus of development of companies. In this text firstly,I will illustrate what is human resources and the importance of human resources for China's insurance companies Secondly,I will analyse the situation of China's insurance companies in new circumstances.Based on this,I will analyse outstanding problems existing in the current human resources of China's insurance companies and promote some stategies,thus contributing to better development of China's insurance companies’s human resources.
Key words:Insurance companise; Human Resources Management; Problems;Stratiges.
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
引言 2
1人力资源管理的概念及重要意义 2
1.1人力资源管理的概念 2
1.2人力资源管理的重要意义 2
2人力资源管理对保险业的重要意义 4
2.1人才是保险公司在市场竞争中取胜的决定性因素 4
2.2人才是保险公司建立现代企业制度的重中之重 4
3我国新形势下保险业人力资源管理的现状 4
3.1保险行业的现状 4
3.2保险业人力资源管理的现状 5
4目前我国保险公司人力资源管理中存在的问题 7
4.1人力资源规划制度不够健全 7
4.2保险人才供不应求 8
4.3保险公司缺乏竞争激励机制 8
4.4保险人才的正常流动受到限制 8
4.5保险从业人员的能力不能适应现代社会 8
4.6中资保险公司传统的人力资源优势不再明显 8
5完善我国保险行业人力资源管理应采取的措施 9
5.1加强人力资源规划 9
5.2提高保险公司员工队伍的整体素质 10
5.3建立公司与员工个人发展相结合的激励与约束机制 11
5.4为员工提供更好的发展平台 14
结语 15
参考文献 15
致谢 16