

分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 cassiopeia 发布



The Research Of  Interactivity  About Viral  Online Video Advertising  
 ——Orange Story As An Example

Abstract:Along with the development of the Internet,Internet gradually becomes the fifth media except for the traditional four media.The great technical changes brought by Web2.0 makes the online video popular.As a new media form,it’s self-evident that the online video contains the huge commercial opportunity,the online viral video advertising is a strong representation among the forms of the online video advertising. It not only inherits the superiority of traditional advertising,but also has the dements of innovation.Comparing with the online video advertising,the online viral video advertising has advantages of lower cost,broader disseminating scope,quicker spreading speed,and so on.So it has been already widespread,and used oversea and well received by advertisers.While the domestic application is relatively less and oppositely weaker in the theoretical research field,and the theoretical frame need to be completed urgently.
This research hopes to analysis the existing online viral video advertising Cases by using the mass communication theory and viral marketing theory.And under the theoretical frame of the correlation literatures of online video advertising,My thesis is looking for the laws in the course of the online viral video advertising spreading from different angles such as content,expression,target audience and media strategy through the case of Blendtec.At the same line time,this thesis also Rims to improve the theoretical foundation of online viral video advertising in order to provide the theoretical foundation and advice for the advertising campaign.
Key words:OnlineViral Video Advertising;Communication Strategy;Orange story;Interactivity











摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、 绪论 5
(一) 研究背景和研究目的: 5
1. 研究背景: 5
2. 研究目的: 6
(二) 文献综述 6
1. 病毒式营销的研究: 6
2. 互动性研究: 7
(三) 研究方法: 7
1. 文献分析法: 7
2. 个案研究法: 7
二、 网络病毒广告的相关定义: 8
(一) 网络病毒广告: 8
1. 网络病毒广告的定义: 8
2. 网络病毒广告兴起的背景: 8
3. 病毒营销的概念: 8
4. 网络视频病毒广告研究 9
三、 网络病毒广告的互动性: 13
(一) 互动性的相关定义: 13
1. 互动性的产生及实质: 13
2. 互动的类型: 13
3. 互动的方式: 13
(二) 互动性在网络广告中的表现: 14
(三) 互动性在网络广告中的实现方式: 15
四、 桔子水晶酒店十二星座视频广告互动性研究 15
(一) 桔子水晶的品牌来源: 15
1. 桔子水晶的服务理念 16
(二) 桔子水晶十二星座系列广告: 16
(三) 搭上流行元素的顺风车 16
1. 一切为了引起关注 16
2. 吊足了观众的胃口 17
3. 情色细节,赚取眼球 17
(四) 为什么选择的是新浪微博? 18
1. 培养忠诚度的频道 18
五、 研究结论 18