

分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 20023286 发布



摘 要
在日渐兴起的电子商务环境下,企业或部门间的协作型模式最具发展潜力。它的实施有两个关键技术问题:传统的解决方案通常运行于专用增值网络,运行维护费用昂贵,消息结构复杂僵化,中小企业无法承受;如何保证系统能够随着需求的变化进行扩展和融合也是一个难题。最新的Web 服务(Web Services) 技术以其组件化、开放性和自描述等特性使得企业及其合作伙伴之间可以依赖Web 服务进行商业信息交互,它已成为替换传统方案的最好选择之一。而工作流技术的出现正是解决第二个难题的最佳方案,它对流程进行管理,任何需求的变化都可以通过灵活地改变业务流程实现。通过将Web 服务和工作流技术相结合,可以使系统的扩展问题得到很好的解决。
在分析具体案例的基础上,结合一种复合Web服务的业务流程管理系统——K2.NET,设计了一个基于Web 服务和工作流技术的,适合多方参与者、跨业务平台、高动态协作环境的分布式人员培训系统,实现了中小型企业在此应用下的协同办公;满足了此类应用的商业环境异构性和跨互联网的分布性要求;充分考虑了登陆角色的安全性控制;严格地采用过程形式化体系,针对实际业务需求,实现了一种基本申请流程和相关的三种修改流程;对于需求中特别要求的审批制度,提出了一种审批策略算法以适应多种变化。最后,探讨了可直接支持战略的高效可敏捷扩展型流程资产管理技术,以及对既往流程资产进行新环境下的价值挖掘。测试结果表明本系统完全能满足用户的需求,具有较好的性能。目前存在的缺陷是代码执行效率不高,可以通过代码优化或者在保证功能实现的情况下简化当前状态机来提高代码效率。
整个系统是参考国际工作流联盟所提出的结构模型,并结合用户需求设计出的 一个轻型工作流系统。称其为“轻型”,因为该系统是针对中小型用户的实际需要所设计,相对普通的工作流系统而言,它的功能结构简单,在降低成本的同时也缩短了开发周期,且具有良好的操作性、维护性、稳定性和扩展性。通过分析看出该系统完全有能力代替以前只能由人工完成的工作,并在此基础上大幅缩短了执行时间和大量减少可能出现的人为失误,使得工作效率得到了提高、工作质量得到了保证。

关键词:培训 Web服务 工作流 形式化

With the increasing prosperity of the e-business environment, collaborative model of enterprise-to-enterprise or sector-to-sector is the most potential model. There are two key technical issues in the implementation of this model. The first one, traditional solutions often operate on the exclusive value-added network, which are maintained costly, complex and rigidity, and can not been afforded by most medium-sized and small business enterprises. Another challenge is ensuring that the system can be expanded as needs change and integration. The latest Web services technology, which makes enterprises and their partners could exchange their information each other based on its components, openness and self described attributes, has become one of the best replacements of traditional program. And workflow technology is the best option to resolve the second problem. Using workflow technology, it is flexible to achieve any requirement changes through modifying business processes. Through combining Web services and workflow technology, resolving the expansion problem of the system would become very easy.
Based on the analysis of some cases, with a business process management system integrated web service—K2.NET, firstly, the paper designs a distributed, web service and workflow based training platform, which is multi-participants, transplantable and suitable for dynamic cooperation environment. This training platform realizes the cooperation with companies, isomerism of this business circumstance, distribution of multi-internet, the control of different roles. Moreover, it adopts formal process architectonic, which can fulfill a basic applying training flow and three modified application flow according to the requirements. For special requirements of the permission strategy, proposing an approved policy algorithms which could adapt to variety changes of strategies. Finally, this paper discusses the assets management technology which supports strategic agile extended flow, and makes some researches on mining the potential value of assets information in new condition. Experiment result shows, this leave workflow management system can satisfy the requirement and has a nice performance. However, some bugs still exist. For instance, the efficiency of codes executing is not high. This problem can be solved through code optimization and predigest the status machine.
In summary, the whole system consults the constructed model proposed by the union of international workflow. It is a lightweight workflow. Compared to normal workflow, this system, which is based on the requirement of medium-sized enterprise, has more straightforward function structure, shorter developed circulation and lower cost, and also has nicer maneuverability, maintainability, stability and expansibility. Therefore, this leave workflow management information has the ability of replacing the traditional manual work. It can reduce a lot of the executing time and most of contrived mistakes, which enhances the efficiency and assures the quality.

Keywords: Training Web Service Workflow Formalization

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义 (1)
1.2 国内外研究概况 (3)
1.3 本论文的研究工作 (9)
2 需求分析与总体设计
2.1 系统需求概述 (11)
2.2 系统架构设计 (14)
2.3 基于Web服务的工作流 (17)
2.4 K2.NET应用设计 (20)
2.5 安全性设计 (27)
2.6 数据库设计 (29)
2.7 本章小结 (33)
3 详细设计与实现
3.1 模块设计 (34)
3.2 界面设计 (35)
3.3 流程设计 (36)
3.4 模型实现评价 (43)
3.5 本章小结 (44)
4 系统测试
4.1 测试用例设计 (45)
4.2 测试场景设计 (50)
4.3 本章小结 (51)
5 总结与展望
5.1 全文总结 (52)
5.2 后续展望 (53)
致 谢 (55)
参考文献 (56)

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