

“热钱”问题研究,摘 要改革开放特别是加入wto以来,我国进一步融入了世界经济之中,外贸依存度不断提高,呈现了开放格局下的经济快速增长趋势。但在这种经济大开放和大发展的过程中,也同时产生了一些值得关注的问题。其中,缘于国内经济结构失衡和对外经济失衡造成的流动性过剩及受人民币汇率变化因素影响的国际“热钱”对我国经济产生前所...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 yueyue_12365 发布



摘    要



Reform and opening up policy, especially since WTO accession, China's further integration into the world economy, increasing dependence on foreign trade, showing an open pattern of rapid economic growth.  In this economy, opening up and the  process of large-scale development, and also produced a number of issues of concern.Which, due to the domestic economy and external economic imbalances, structural imbalances caused by excess liquidity and exchange rate changes by factors of international "hot money" the impact on China's economy is also facing China's economic development in the outstanding issues.
Aiming at the international "hot money" on the issue of the impact analysis, literature review study at home and abroad, the introduction of the model and its validation, and come to the conclusion proposed in this paper to the Japanese economic bubble of the last analysis has also been a lot of inspiration.

Key words:Hot money ;RMB appreciation ;Short-term capital flows ;The Japanese economic bubble








目    录

第一章  文献综述 1
一、国外研究与国内研究综述 1
二、研究的意义 4
三、研究的思路与方法 4
第二章  引入模型及验证 5
一、短期资本流动模型的引入 5
二、“热钱”效应检验 6
三、热钱治理的对策 13
第三章  日本泡沫经济及其启示 15
一、广场协议 15
二、日本泡沫经济的教训 17
三、日本“失去的十年”的启示 18
结束语 20
参考文献 21
致   谢 22