

vxml数据装入关系数据库的软件,摘 要随着internet的发展和人们对数据标准性、平台无关性的要求越来越高,xml(extensible markup language)得到了广泛的应用,同时人们对于xml的存储方式提出了更高的要求。本课题意在设计一种将xml数据存入关系数据库中的方法,并按照该方法开发一个xml数据装入关系数据库的软件。本文首先对...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 yhc121 发布

摘 要
随着Internet的发展和人们对数据标准性、平台无关性的要求越来越高,XML(Extensible Markup Language)得到了广泛的应用,同时人们对于XML的存储方式提出了更高的要求。






With the development of Internet and the people’s higher and higher requirement for data’s standardization and its independent of platform,XML(extensible markup language) is widely used,in the mean time the higher requirement for the storage of XML data is asked.
This research group designed a method to store XML data into RDB(Relational Data Base) of which the technology have been very mature and widely used.Then we developed an application that can store the XML data into RDB using this method.
At first this article will introduce basical knowledge of XML,and then discuss why store XML data using RDB.After that we’ll research and discuss the some methods for storing XML data into RDB that have been put forward.Based on them we’ll design a storage method from non-schema XML data to RDB.We classified XML data as four kind of nodes such as Document,Element,Atribute and Text.These four nodes are mapped to four tables in the RDB and we mapped the DOM Tree into a table too.The five tables is the core of the RDB design.The attribute information involved in the tables is required that both DOM and SAX interface can be easy to get information from the tables.
After giving the method we designed we’ll develop an application that can storing the XML data into RDB using that method.It’s requirement analyse,design details and test result well be described in the second half part of the article.The test result will show that using the storage method we can storing the non-schema XML data into the RDB effectively.

Key words:RDB(Relational Data Base),XML




目    录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
目    录 3
1 绪  论 5
1.1  课题背景及研究意义 5
1.2  XML知识简介 5
1.2.1 XML 5
1.2.2 DTD和Schema 7
1.2.3 DOM 7
1.2.4 SAX 9
1.3 基于关系数据库的XML存储技术 10
1.3.1 现存的基于关系数据库的XML存储技术 10
1.3.2 一个模式驱动映射实例 10
1.4 作者的工作 11
1.5 本章小结 11
2 无模式映射的设计 12
2.1方案设计要求 12
2.2设计思想 12
2.3方案详细设计 12
2.3.1 E-R图(实体集中只画主码) 13
2.3.2 实体集和联系 13
2.3.3 设计方法与策略 14
2.3.4 数据库基本表设计 16
2.3.5数据库优化 16
2.3.6数据字典 16
2.4 本章总结 18
3 关系数据库中XML装入系统 19
3.1 任务概述 19
3.2 设计思想概述 19
3.3 需求规定 20
3.3.1 系统用例图 20
3.3.2 用例事件流 20
3.3.3 开发环境需求 20
3.4 系统设计 21
3.4.1 系统体系结构 21
3.4.2 序列图设计 21
3.4.3 类设计 23
3.4.4 类关系图 29
3.4.5 算法的实现策略 30
3.4.6 异常处理 31
3.5 系统测试 32
3.5.1 系统功能测试 32
3.5.2 测试总结 37
3.5.3 与模式映射XML-RDB装入系统的分析对比 37
3.6 本章小节 38
结 论 39
致 谢 40
参考文献 41