
此文档由会员 yhc121 发布摘要
Because the bowl seeding has no harm to the stock when transplanted, therefore it is used widely and tends to replace the hole seeding. In order to apply to the current increasing numbers for nutritional bowl seeding of vegetables, the development of new Grafting automatic machine now become a hot topic. The Grafting automatic machine is the cucurbitaceous vegetables which seedling in nutritional bowl.. It solves a difficult problem in vegetables’ grafting., therefore, has high value for use in vegetable production.
The graduation project is the transmission system of grafting automatic machine and platform design. After all of the original graft machine, we decided to select the sensor with a belt conveyor as seedlings transmission system. At first, it is introduction about the grafting automatic machine, seedlings transmission system and the belt conveyor. After that the belt conveyor abase on the principle is designed. Then, it is checking computations about main component parts. The ordinary belt conveyor consists of six main parts: Drive Unit, Jib or Delivery End, Tail Ender Return End, Intermediate Structure, Loop Take-Up and Belt. At last, it is explanation about fix and safeguard of the belt conveyor.
Keyword: Grafting automatic machine, seedlings transmission system , belt conveyor; Lectotype Design, main parts
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 引言 1
1.1 课题目的意义 1
1.2 葫芦科嫁接机的发展现状 1
1.3 苗木传输系统的研究现状 3
1.4 带式输送机的概述 3
1.4.1 带式输送机的应用 3
1.4.2 带式输送机的分类 4
1.4.3 各式输送机的特点 4
1.4.4 带式运输机的发展现状 5
1.4.5 带式运输机的工作原理 6
1.4.6 带式运输机的机构和布置形式 8
1.5 传感器简介 10
第二章 带式输送机设计 11
2.1带式输送机的设计计算 11
2.1.1 已知原始数据及工作条件 11
2.1.2 计算步骤 12 带宽的确定: 12输送带宽度的核算 15
2.1.3 圆周驱动力 15 计算公式 15 主要阻力计算 16 主要特种阻力计算 18 附加特种阻力计算 18 倾斜阻力计算 18
2.1.4传动功率计算 18 传动轴功率( )计算 18 电动机功率计算 19
2.1.5 输送带张力计算 20 输送带不打滑条件校核 20 输送带下垂度校核 21
2.1.6传动滚筒最大扭矩计算 22
2.1.7 拉紧力计算 23
2.1.8绳芯输送带强度校核计算 23
2.2 驱动装置的选用与设计 23
2.2.1 电机的选用 24
2.2.2 联轴器 25
2.3 带式输送机部件的选用 26
2.3.1 输送带 26
2.3.2 传动滚筒 26
2.3.3 托辊 27
2.3.4 制动装置 28
2.3.5 拉紧装置 28
2.4其他部件的选用 29
2.4.1 机架与中间架 29
2.4.2 电气及安全保护装置 31
第三章 传感器的选择 33
3.1 传感器的概述 33
3.1.1定义 33
3.1.2 分类 33
3.2 传感器的选择 34
3.2.1 传感器的类型 34
3.2.2 传感器水平间距 34
3.2.3 传感器垂直间距 34
3.2.4 传感器电源 34
第四章 平台设计 35
4.1材料选取 35
4.2 结构示意图 35
4.3 联接方式 35
第五章 结论和建议 36
5.1结论 36
5.2 建议 36
参考文献 37
致 谢 39