

浅析《飘》中斯佳丽的性格特点,abstractgone with the wind is margaret mitchell first and only long novel. it has been one of the bestsellers and popular with the reader ever since its publica...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 石得意 发布


Gone with the Wind is Margaret Mitchell first and only long novel. It has been one of the bestsellers and popular with the reader ever since its publication in 1936. This paper will give a brief introduction of the novel and its writer Margaret Mitchell. The second part of the paper analysis Scarlett’s personality. Firstly, she is selfish and greedy; she uses all kinds of means to gain profits. She believes in individualism. Her selfishness and vanity is the direct factor leading to her three purposeful marriages. Secondly, she is trustworthy. This personality makes her never give up the help to Melanie who is her rival in love just for her promise to Ashley. Thirdly, she had an indomitable spirit to dare to face the reality and do not bow to fate. This personality makes her return home and assume the whole family’s burden and fight against the fate without cowardice and grow to maturity. “Tomorrow is another day”. This is the best confession to her optimistic life and her perennial interpretation of destiny.

《飘》是玛格丽特.米歇尔于1936年发表的唯一的一部长篇小说。《飘》问世70多年来,被广泛流传并受到广泛的好评,不失为一部旷世经典之作。在小说中,斯佳丽是一个典型的由旧庄园主阶级向新型的资产阶级转变的人物形象,这注定了她性格的多元性.本文首先介绍《飘》和它的作者是玛格丽特.米歇尔。文章的第二部分将会分析斯佳丽的性格特点。这个部分主要通过斯佳丽的经历进行分析:一. 她自私自利唯利是图,为达目的不择手段。二. 她信守承诺值得信赖,这种性格使她为了信守对阿希礼的承诺,在任何时候都没有放弃对自己情敌梅兰妮的援助。三. 她是一个个人主义者,自私,虚荣直接导致了她的三次有目的性的婚姻。她有敢于面对现实,不向命运低头,坚强不屈的精神,这使她在战乱中她决定返还家园承担起整个家庭的重担,与命运抗衡,不怯懦,不退缩,逐渐走向成熟。“明天将会是崭新的一天”是她对生活积极进取的最好表白,也是她对命运生生不息的诠释。