带式传送机的plc设计,目 录摘要 3abstract 4第一章 绪论 51.1国内外带式输送机研究状况及差距 51.1.1 国内运带式输送机技术的现状 51.1.2 国外运带式输送机的研究现状 51.1.3 国内外运带式输送机的技术的差距 51.1.4物料传送带的发展机的发展趋势 71.2 改进方法 71.3常用带式输送机类型与特点 7第二...

此文档由会员 yhc121 发布目 录
摘要 3
Abstract 4
第一章 绪论 5
1.1国内外带式输送机研究状况及差距 5
1.1.1 国内运带式输送机技术的现状 5
1.1.2 国外运带式输送机的研究现状 5
1.1.3 国内外运带式输送机的技术的差距 5
1.1.4物料传送带的发展机的发展趋势 7
1.2 改进方法 7
1.3常用带式输送机类型与特点 7
第二章 带式输送机的概述施工及设计 9
2.1概述 9
2.1.1带式输送机的应用 9
2.1.2带式输送机的结构 10
2.2 带式输送机的设计计算 10
2.2.1 选题背景 10
2.2.2输送带宽度的核算及带速确定原则 11
2.2.3圆周驱动力 14
2.3传动功率计算 15
2.3.1传动轴功率(Pa)计算 15
2.3.2电动机功率计算 15
2.4输送带张力计算 15
2.4.1张力计算时各种运行工况的讨论 15
2.4.2 输送带不打滑条件校核 16
2.4.3 输送带下垂度校核 17
2.4.4 各特性点张力计算 17
2.5 传动滚筒、改向滚筒合张力计算 20
2.5.1 改向滚筒合张力计算 20
2.5.2 传动滚筒合张力计算 20
2.5.3 传动滚筒最大扭矩计算 20
2.5.4绳芯输送带强度校核计算 20
2.6 驱动装置的选用与设计 21
2.6.1电机的选用 21
2.6.2 减速器的选型 22
2.6.3液力偶合器 22
2.6.4 联轴器 23
2.7 带式输送机部件的选用 25
2.7.1 输送带 25
2.7.2 托辊的选型 26
2.7.3 拉紧装置及制动装置的选型 29
2.7.4清扫装置 31
第三章 传动滚筒 32
3.1 传动滚筒的作用 32
3.2滚筒的类型及优缺点 32
3.2.1 光面包胶滚筒 32
3.2.2人字形沟槽铸胶滚筒 32
3.2.3 菱形(网纹)包胶滚筒 33
3.3 改向滚筒的选用 33
3.4 传动滚筒的选用与校核 33
3.5 改向装置 35
第四章 可编程控制器 36
4.1 PLC的基本组成 36
4.1.2 FX2N的性能及选型 37
4.2 PLC提高的其可靠性措施 38
4.3 控制电机的选型及主回路外部接线图 38
4.3.1 Y2系列三相异步电机 38
4.4 PLC的端子分配及外部接线 39
4.5其它硬件选型 40
4.5.1接触器选型 40
4.5.2热继电器选型 40
4.5.3空气开关选型 41
4.6控制要求分析 41
4.7程序实现 42
4.7.1 公共控制指令 42
图4-3公共控制指令梯形图 42
4.7.2 自动控制指令 42
4.7.3 手动控制指令 44
4.8 信号与报警 45
参考文献 47
致谢 48
Belt Conveyor is a continuous, rapid and efficient transmission equipment materials which is widely used in coal, electricity, building materials, chemicals, machinery, light industry and other industries of material transfer system. General belt conveyor electrical control system used relay control system with high equipment failure rate , low reliability, bulky, maintenance and improvement of inconvenience.The PLC has the advantages of high reliability and flexibility in system design, simple programming, cost-effective and so on. This text is to design a procedures to achieve its control over the use of the belt conveyor and create physical models, simulated by the PLC control system to achieve the overall operation of the process. The design includes two parts, model-making and programming. I am primarily responsible for the part of model making. Mainly including the structural design of belt conveyor and model-making, finally it could be able to connect with the PLC and run through the process control system.
Using Fx2N series of PLC control belt transmission machine, namely convenient size are small. And the use of PLC input, output, directly connected motor, through the timer by Taiwan start motor, this will prevent the accumulation of material. Through the use of material exorbitant alarm system, cross-border alarm system, can make the system normal operating, in case of broken belt, blindness, material accumulation, also won't cause too big risk and loss.
Keywords: Belt Conveyor; PLC; Design and Production