工资管理系统毕业论文,工资管理信息系统摘要 工资核算的正确与否关系到每个劳动者的切身经济利益。对于企业来说:工资是成本的重要的组成部分,合理的组织工资核算。能有效控制产品成本中的工资费用,达到降低产品成本,提高经济效益的目的。传统的工资计算,繁琐而且效率不高,为了解决这一矛盾,利用计算机来进行工资的管理,是十分必要的。论文主要介绍了传统企业...
此文档由会员 重新开始 发布工资管理信息系统
论文主要介绍了传统企业的工资管理方法以及传统工资管理所存在的缺陷与弊端,进而得出使用基于计算机上的工资管理信息系统的必要性。目前国内的大部分软件公司都着力与财务软件的开发,其中工资管理是会计电算化的重要组成部分,例如用友财务软件、金碟财务软件等。大部分的工资软件基本上包括基础数据的录入、工资的计算与汇总统计表。所采用的编程语言主要是DHIPHI与VB,数据库主要是SQL SERVER 与 ACCESS。通过对这些财务管理软件的参考以及比较参考,我重点编写了工资的汇总与分配。
关键字:工资管理 信息系统 汇总分配
Salary correct to concern each personal economic benefits of labourer or not. To enterprise: The salary is the important component of the cost, the rational organization salary is checked and calculated. Can control the salary expenses in the cost of goods effectively , reach and reduce the cost of goods, purpose to increase economic efficiency. The traditional salary is calculated, tedious and efficiency is not high, in order to solve this contradiction, it is very essential to make use of computer to carry on the management of the salary.
Thesis introduce traditional salary office procedure and traditional salary of enterprise manage the defect and drawback existed mainly, and then draw and use the necessity based on the management information system of salary on the computer. Development that domestic most software companies put forth effort with the financial software at present, among them it is the important component of the accounting by EDP that the salary is managed, such as UF financial software , gold financial software of disc ,etc.. Most salary software include the calculation of inputting , salary of the basic data and gather the statistical form basically. The programming language adopted is mainly DHIPHI and VB, the database is mainly SQL SERVER and ACCESS. Through the reference and relatively consulting to these financial management software, I have written gathering and distribution of the salary especially.
Thesis describe salary composition and each function of module of the management information system especially. Design salary the management information system make up from module mainly , data connect , function realize , use respects , such as meaning ,etc. not to set about. The module makes up the main main composition module including this salary system and function reached of each module . Each module of management of the salary can not break away from the data basically, so when the database is designed, is it consider data high-efficient , reduce datum redundant fully to want. Speed of operation of the security system. I adopt ACCESS in database, lie in it and VB's compatibility is good.
Thesis is it write salary design process of the management information system with VB with ACCESS to expound the fact finally. Design process as basis with above focal point of analysis mainly. Carry on the collection of the basic data at first, then carry on the checking and calculating etc. of salary. Certainly as the management information system of a piece of salary, an important respect of it is to realize the adding self-definingly of project of the salary, system this realize salary project self-defining to add through coexisting in a data list in a lot of salary projects. While close towards this thought , still there are a lot of defects on a lot of little details.
Thesis ending predict salary the management information system application prospect and use value among enterprise.
Key word: The salary managing Information system Gather and assign
第一章 引言-----------------------------------------------5
1.1 应用背景------------------------------------------------------------------------5
1.2 管理信息系统介绍------------------------------------------------------------5
1.5 系统开发原则------------------------------------------------------------------6
1.6 系统开发方法------------------------------------------------------------------7
1.7 开发环境及工具介绍---------------------------------------------------------7
1.7.1 ACCESS2000数据库介绍-------------------------------------------------7
1.7.2 VISUAL BASIC编程语言介绍--------------------------------------------8
第二章 系统分析-----------------------------------------9
2.1 需求与可行性分析----------------------------------------------------------9
2.2 数据流分析-------------------------------------------------------------------9
2.2.1 手工工资处理流程--------------------------------------------------------9
2.2.2 电算化工资核算的内容和数据流程--------------------------------------10
2.2.3 数据流程图----------------------------------------------------------------11
2.2.4 数据字典-------------------------------------------------------------------12
第三章 系统设计-------------------------------------------15
3.1 设计思想------------------------------------------------------------------------15
3.2 系统功能分析--------------------------------------------15
3.3 数据库设计---------------------------------------------------------------------16
3.3.1 数据库概念结构设计-----------------------------------------------------16
3.3.2 数据库逻辑结构设计-----------------------------------------------------18
3.3.3 数据库连接实现----------------------------------------------------------20
第四章 系统实现---------------------------------------------21
4.1 系统界面介绍---------------------------------------------21
第五章 系统小结--------------------------------------------30
5.1 系统设计中的问题-----------------------------------------30
5.2 系统展望-------------------------------------------------30
5.3 系统应用效果---------------------------------------------30
5.4 开发体会-------------------------------------------------31